Project Description
15th December
Christmas in Birdhill
Thanks and congratulations to our local Folk Choir who put on a wonderful concert in the Church on December 12th. A handsome collection was taken up in aid of Newport Day Centre.
The annual Craft Fair was held in the local hall on December 1st and was once again a great showcase of local talent. Thanks to Melissa for all her work in organising.
Santa and Mrs Claus switched on the lights on the Village Green on December 8th, before taking the short walk to the Park to meet all the children. All enjoyed the refreshments, colouring competitions, elf hunt and making of reindeer food in an atmospheric setting. See pictures in the Photo Gallery on our website.
Birdhill Wren Group will hold a Sponsored Walk for Milford Hospice on St Stephen’s Day, commencing at The Coopers at 2.00pm. Your support would be appreciated
Click here to read Issues 3 and 4 of the National Tidy Towns newsletters (both issued in December)
Nollaig Shona
Birdhill Tidy Towns committee extends seasons greetings to all members of the local community. A sincere thank you for all your support during 2024. May you have every joy and happiness during Christmas and may the New Year be prosperous and fulfilling. Beannachtaí na Féile do chách.
2nd November
Birdhill was awarded a Bronze Medal at the Tidy Towns announcements on Friday 1st. The Adjudicator’s Report showed an increase of 9 marks from 2023.
Click here to read the Report.
31st October
Tidy Towns Announcements

Newsletter 30th August
Birdhill Active Travel Scheme
BEST SMALL DOG: “Miley” with Emily O’Brien;
BEST MEDIUM SIZE DOG: JOINT FIRST “Kia” with Aine O’Gorman “Chase” with David Healy;
BEST LARGE DOG: “Bobbie’ with Mairead O’Brien.
BEST PUPPY. 1 YEAR: “FREDDIE” with Annabel O’Toole.
BEST DOG, AGED 2 -7: “Poppy” with Ava O’Malley.
BEST GOLDEN OLDIE: “POPPY” with the McGrath Family.
BEST GROOMED DOG: “Kia” with Aine O’Gorman.
BEST JUNIOR HANDLER: “RUBY” with Ava May Maughan
BEST DRESSED DOG: “Kia” with Aine O’Gorman.
WAGGIEST TAIL: “Chase” with David Healy.
BEST IN SHOW CHAMPION 2024: “Nala” with Anne McLoughlin.
Zoe Deegan aged 9; Emily Minihan aged 11; Caoileann Walpole aged 11.

Newsletter 16th August
Family Fun Day
Many thanks to those who have subscribed to our GoFundMe Appeal to date. The fundraiser is targeted at the development of a parking space in the Pollaghs and at the ongoing maintenance work carried out by Birdhill Tidy Towns. The GoFundMe page will remain open for a few more weeks and can be accessed at
Heritage Week
Art Exhibition
The Open Air Art Exhibition in the Pollaghs has once again proven to be a huge attraction, with large volumes of visitors calling daily to see the wonderful creativity of the artists, young and not-so-young. Don’t forget to vote for your favourite in the People’s Choice Award (
6th July
Help us maintain our standards
Local Area Plan Consultation |
Clonmel Local Area Plan 2024-2030, Nenagh Local Area Plan 2024-2030, Thurles Local Area Plan 2024-2030, each of the Local Area Plans are accompanied by a Local Transport Plan. The plans also include Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Environmental Reports and SEA Statements, Appropriate Assessment (AA) Natura Impact Reports, and Strategic Flood Risk Assessments (SFRA). The Strategic Environmental Statement (SEA) which accompanies the Plan contains information on how environmental consideration has been integrated into the Plan. A copy of the each of the Local Area Plans along with other accompanying reports, the SEA Statements and AA Conclusion Statements, are available to view directly at the following link https://www. |
21st June
Flowers and Pots
We still have some begonias for sale – these are late developing and selling at 50c each.
We also have lots of pots of varying sizes to give away for your potting and gardening – 12mm, 1l, 2l and 3l.
Can You Help?
Help would be appreciated for any of the following tasks:
- Finishing off the new parking area in the Pollaghs on Saturday 29th June at 10.00am (bring a shovel or a rake).
- Ongoing weeding and maintenance every Tuesday evening at 7.00pm.
Pollagh Development
The Pollagh is a low-lying area close to Birdhill Village. It was once valuable pasture and meadowland for over 40 local farmers, but in recent years much of it has been covered in forestry plantation, which is more productive and less labour-intensive on wet land. The area is hugely popular with walking and jogging enthusiasts, while the varied biodiversity of the land attracts widespread interest. Walking Routes, Nature Trails and Eco Trails, with accompanying information, have been set out by Birdhill Tidy Towns, thanks to the good will of the landowners. Furthermore, an Open-Air Art Exhibition during the past four summers brings many more visitors.
Parking of cars near the entrance to the Pollagh has often posed issues for landowners, machinery operators and the adjacent householder. Now, thanks to the generosity of Clement Ryan, an off-road parking area has been provided. To fund this development, along with the ongoing road resurfacing of the Pollagh Road, recent unexpected upgrades in equipment & machinery and continuing general maintenance of the village and surrounds, Birdhill Tidy Towns committee has embarked on an online fundraiser. Tidy Towns is a key environmental and community organisation in Birdhill and has played a vital role in the development of the locality over the past three decades. We are grateful that the support of the community has ensured that the necessary personnel and resources have always been in place for this development. Your ongoing support would be appreciated in ensuring that our work continues.
Support can be provided through the GoFundMe page:
or by contacting any member of the committee
3rd June
Tidy Towns adjudication is due to commence this week. We appeal to all members of the community to help by being vigilant regarding litter around their property and adjacent roadsides. Could you help with weeding, sweeping and watering during the summer? Contact any member of the committee if you can spare an hour now and again to help improve your community.
One Small Change
Check out our Instagram page ( to get some regular tips on reducing energy and helping the fight against Climate Change.
Read the Farming for Nature summer newsletter:
It contains an interesting article on the planting of whitethorn hedges.
Click here to read the first issue of the National Tidy Towns newsletter for 2024.
3rd May
Famine Pot
We have installed a new historical feature on the Village Green. John & Bernadette Hogan have kindly donated a ‘Famine Pot’ which was used in the locality during famine times to feed soup and stirabout to large numbers of people. Many thanks to the Hogans for their generosity in making this tangible relic of our past available to the community.
Work Evenings
Tuesday 7th May: Washing signage and furniture
Tuesday 14th & 21stMay: Painting
Tuesday 28th May: Sowing bedding plants
June: Weeding, watering, tending to all flower & shrub beds
Farming for Nature newsletter Summer 2024
Tipperary Arts Office Newsletter
10th April
20th March
Community Coffee Morning
Birdhill Tidy Towns will host a Community Coffee Morning in Birdhill Hall, on Sunday 24th March, 11.00am to 12.00. All members of the community are invited to attend. We would especially love to see newcomers to the area in attendance, just to sit and chat, meet and greet and get to know your neighbours. Since Covid, the number and frequency of community gatherings has diminished considerably. Let’s get back to the community spirit and togetherness for which Birdhill has always been renowned.
Spring Clean
April is the month when we get out to tidy our roadsides and collect the litter that has built up over the winter months. Can you help with this important work on your road. Starting on Sat 13th April, all local roads will be tackled. Look out for details on social media.
Art Exhibition
The annual Open Air Art Exhibition along the Pollagh Trail will be held again this summer. This has proved to be a great attraction over the past three years and promises to be just as exciting in 2024, with numerous enquiries already coming in. Interested artists should contact Melissa Ryan (087-9064401)
13th March
Remembering John Buckley
We have planted an apple tree in Birdhill Community Park to perpetuate the memory of John Buckley, who had a busy garden centre and nursery on that same site, before moving to Kilmastulla in the early 1970s. It is a crab apple, propagated, raised and patented by John. He named it Dark Rosaleen due to the dark colour of the apples. The tree produces a mass of pink flowers in spring, along with dark red leaves which turn green in summer, before turning orange in autumn.
Other apple trees raised by John Buckley included ‘Graceland’ and ‘April Love.’
John Buckley’s name is also associated with two birch hybrids which he raised – ‘White Light’ and ‘Birdhill Beauty,’ many of which can be seen, conspicuous because of their white bark, in the Park and around the Village.
Thanks to Oliver Kierse who grafted and raised this sample of Dark Rosaleen on an MM106 rootstock.
Seachtain na Gaeilge
St Patrick’s Day marks the end of Seachtain na Gaeilge 2024, a period of celebration of all things Irish. All of us can help in developing our native culture and rich heritage. Why not engage in a cultural activity this week to show our pride in our country. With minimum effort, we can use the ‘cúpla focal’ that may be dormant in the recesses of our minds. Bain triail as.
17th February
Love Your Community
The sign currently on display in Birdhill Village Green reminds us all of the role of community in our lives and invites us to be part of its well-being and development: Participate in local activities; Look out for your neighbours; Care for the local environment; Be a volunteer in local organisations. We are defined by our community but we can play a part in defining and developing the community in which we live.
Forthcoming tasks
- Preparing the polytunnel for planting
- Potting plugs for summer bedding
- Sowing shrubs
- Spring clean on all local roads
- Organising a get-together for Neighbours and Newcomers.
County & National Plans
Read Ireland’s 4th National Biodiversity Plan (2023 – 2030): d424b166-763b-4916-8eba-8afff955c5e5.pdf (
Read Tipperary County Council’s Climate Action Plan 2024 – 2029 (Setting the Scene for Going Green): Tipperary County Council Climate Action Plan 2024 – 2029_0.pdf (
New Season
With the arrival of spring, we begin looking forward to a new season of Tidy Towns activities. Plans will soon be formulated, areas in need of attention will be identified, work schedules will be organised, social events will be planned. New ideas, new activities and new personnel are needed to drive Birdhill Tidy Towns forward. Why not get involved in the enhancement of your area and the development of your community.
Notice Nature
Reports have been submitted of the first sightings of snowdrops and crocuses in Birdhill on 5th January and of the first daffodils on 7th January. Keep a look out for spring awakenings and arrivals in your area and submit details to
See The Farming for Nature Spring Newsletter which includes some helpful advice on habitats for biodiversity:
Read Tipperary County Council’s first Arts Office newsletter of 2024: Arts Office newsletter 11th January 2024