

The name of the group shall be Birdhill Tidy Village Association. It shall be non-political and non-sectarian.


Executive Committee

The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Committee nominated and elected at the A.G.M. (or by a mehod decided by the A.G.M.) consisting at least of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, together with at least 6 other members.
It will be a desirable aim to have an even male/female mix.
The Committee shall hold office for a period of one year or until the following A.G.M. whichever is sooner.
The Committee shall have power to co-opt not more than 3 other members and to fill vacancies.
The Committee may appoint sub-committees for specific purposes. Sub-committees may include members not on the Executive Committee and they shall report their deliberations to the parent body for final sanction.
The Executive Committee shall convene bimonthly or more often if deemed necessary by the Chairman.
The quorum for meetings shall be 6.
The Chairman shall preside over all meetings. In his absence, those in attendance shall nominate a chairman for the meeting.
The Committee may replace a member who fails to attend 3 consecutive meetings without valid reason.
No decision of a Committee Meeting may be reversed except with the consent of 2/3 of those present and entitled to vote.
The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall collectively act on behalf of the Committee between meetings, subject to later ratification by the Executive Committee.

Amendments to Constitution

This constitution may be amended only at an Annual General Meeting by a motion supported by no fewer than 2/3 of those present and entitled to vote.
The Executive Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of these rules and the decision of the Committee upon any question of interpretation or upon any matter affecting the Association and not provided for in these rules shall be binding on the members subject to appeal to a General Meeting and shall not under any circumstances be subject to appeal to any court of law.

Special General Meeting

The Executive Committee may at any time summon a Public or Special General Meeting of the Association, provided the procedures pertaining to A.G.M’s are adhered to.
A Special General Meeting must also be arranged by the Committee following a written request signed by no fewer than twelve members, who in their requisition shall state the object of the meeting. No other business shall be transacted at that special meeting. The quorum for such a Special Meeting shall be not less than half of the entire membership.

Finance & Assets

The funds of the Association shall be kept in an approved bank.
Cheques shall be signed or accounts held by any 2 of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
The Association’s assets and equipment shall vest in the officers for the time being, who shall hold same in trust for the Association.


Decisions at meetings shall be by consensus where possible
Voting on ordinary issues shall require a simple majority, except in the case of previous decisions being rescinded where a 2/3 majority will be needed. The Chairman shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie (in addition to his vote as a member). Voting where it concerns people shall always be by secret ballot. Voting on other issues shall be at the discretion of the meeting.


A resolution to wind up the Association may be passed at a General Meeting specially convened for that purpose, if supported by not less than ¾ of those present and entitled to vote. This meeting shall also decide on the disposal of any funds and equipment which may be in the committee’s name, or how to meet any outstanding debts.


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