Project Description
29th December
New Development
A planning application has been submitted to Tipperary County Council for the construction of a tourism initiative entitled ‘Lough Derg Welcome Centre’ on the sites of the old creamery and post office in Birdhill. The proposal includes Exhibition Centre & Offices, Visitor Experience/Café/Retail, 18 hole Putting Course, Kids Play Area and 43 car parking spaces.
New Year Clean-Up
Thanks to those who have already been out this week collecting litter on their local road and a gentle reminder to everyone else to consider bringing a bag when next you go out on your exercise routine.
Photo Competition Reminder
Closing date for entries to our Photo Competition is 1st January. Local people are invited to submit a photo of a bird or birds in their garden or locality. It must be something different, interesting, amusing or unusual. Entries should be submitted by email to before 1st January 2021 giving details of what’s in the picture, where and when the photo was taken and the contact details of the entrant
Birdhill Wren Group
Great to see that, in a very short time, the local Wren Group exceeded their target in their fundraising campaign for Milford Care Centre. Contributions can still be made at and you can enjoy all the wonderful local talent by visiting Birdhill Wren Group | Facebook
Tips for Christmas
Tip No. 6 Winter Walks – with the stress and uncertainty of the pandemic, it is never more important to get outside for some fresh air and exercise. Check out our local walking route The Pollagh Trail, where you can appreciate nature, get some fresh air and perhaps meet your neighbours (in a socially distanced manner, of course!)
Christmas Tree Recycling
Birdhill Tidy Towns will not be facilitating the collection of Christmas Trees for shredding this year. Trees can be dropped off free of charge for recycling at Tipperary County Council’s Recycling Centre in Nenagh from Monday the 4th to Saturday 16th January. See attached doc for opening hours of the Council’s Recycling Centres where a wide variety of items can be recycled.
It’s a Fact 93
The year 2020 created many records. The USA suffered from both a record-breaking hurricane season and a record-breaking fire season costing at least $50bn. The consequences of a warming world were felt in Siberia when temperatures reached 380C. Heat and drought drove terrible fires in many parts of the world with a devastating impact on biodiversity and the planet’s capacity to absorb carbon.
Happy New Year
Birdhill Tidy Towns sends best wishes for a Happy and Peaceful 2021 to all members of the community. A new year, new beginnings and opportunities for change! Athbhliain faoi shéan is faoi mhaise daoibh go léir.
23rd December
Clean Up for the New Year
We are designating the last week of the old year ‘Clean Up Week in Birdhill.’ Similar to the annual Spring Clean, we are asking all local people to do a litter pick on local roads. We cannot organise a collective event, due to current restrictions, but we hope that residents, individually or in family groups, would look after their own road or neighbourhood. So while you are out for a walk next week, why not bring a bag to collect any visible litter along the way! If bags, gloves, pickers, high-viz vests, etc. are required or if full bags need to be collected afterwards, please ring Denis (087-9355750). It would also be useful if people would confirm when a stretch of road has been completed. So starting on Monday 28th, can you do a little for your area and our environment?
Wren Group
Seven videos have already been posted to Birdhill Wren Group | Facebook on their way to compiling a collection of recordings for 12 Days of Christmas as part of their annual fundraiser for Milford Care Centre. Log in to see some of the local talent in action with a variety of songs, music and recitation. To contribute to a very deserving cause go to and help them reach their target of €5,000.
Tips for Christmas
Tip No. 4 Reduce food waste – with the average Irish family throwing out €700 worth of food each year, try to reduce your food waste by planning your portions carefully. See Portion Planner | Love Food Hate Waste
Tip No. 5 Make the most of leftovers Have a look at some tasty recipes for Christmas leftovers. See SFW-Christmas-Recipes-web-version.pdf (
It’s a Fact 92
Almost 60% of life on Earth is found underneath the ocean’s surface.
Nollaig Shona
Birdhill Tidy Towns Committee extends best wishes to all for the festive season. May the magic and spirit of Christmas fill every heart and home in our community with joy this year and always. Beannachtaí na Nollag do gach éinne.
17th December
Birdhill Wren Group
For the past 30 years, St.Stephen’s Day has traditionally been a big day for the Birdhill Wren Group who have travelled in large numbers around the North Tipperary/Limerick area ‘Hunting the Wren’ to raise funds for Milford Care Centre. A contribution is also made annually to the Birdhill Senior Citizens party. Covid restrictions will prevent the usual routine happening this year. However, members of the group are currently compiling videos to bring music, song, dance, recitation and craic to people this Christmas. These will be shared on social media and a concert video will also be played in local Nursing Homes on Stephen’s Day. A ‘Go Fund Me’ page has been set up and it is hoped that as many as possible will contribute to ensure that the annual funding stream will continue. Please visit Birdhill Wren Group – Milford Hospice Fundraiser ( for full details and to make a donation.
Annual General Meeting
Our AGM was held successfully via Zoom last week. The meeting reviewed an unusual year and extended thanks to everyone who helped out in any way during 2020. The following were appointed to take the Association forward in 2021:
Hon. Presidents: Fr John O’Keeffe, Michael Kelly, Martin O’Brien, Ted Moynihan, Cyril Gleeson.
Chairman: Denis Floyd.
Vice Chair: Siobhán Larkin.
Joint Secretaries: Gráinne Delaney & Terry Griffith.
Treasurer: Paddy Barry.
Asst Treasurer: Donnchadh Floyd.
PRO: Anne Barry.
Youth Officer: Margaret Hogan.
Integration Officer: Bernadette Hogan.
Committee: Margaret Clifford, Brett Fitzpatrick, Marion O’Brien, David Lawlor, Fiona Ryan, Maureen Griffith, Nuala Lawlor, Kathleen Bradley, Jacqueline Hanrahan.
Among the motions discussed was one to put a Recruitment Strategy in place to involve more people in the mundane but vital environmental and community work of Tidy Towns. This will be pursued in the New Year. Can you help? Would you like to be involved on the committee, on some of the sub-committees or in any of the work projects during the year. Your participation can be tailored to suit your interests, your talents and the time you have available. Please contact any of the committee (listed above) if you would like to help.
Tips for Christmas
Tip No. 3 Crisp Packet Recycling – don’t forget to collect and deposit your empty crisp packets and chocolate wrappers in our collection point (Information Kiosk) in the village. Money raised is donated to Milford Hospice.
Tip No. 4 Choose sustainable products as gifts – by choosing sustainable products (and avoiding companies that are not eco-friendly) you can show your loved ones and the planet a little love. Where possible, choose Irish sustainable products and shop local. See examples: Sustainable Gifts Under €25 – Green Outlook – Sustainable | Plastic Free | Eco Friendly | Irish & Natural
Arts Newsletter
Click here to see copy of the latest newsletter from Tipperary Arts Office
It’s a Fact 91
There was a 35% increase in the amount of organic waste collected from Tipperary households in 2019.
12th December
Arrangements For Christmas Masses
Times of Masses for Christmes in the parish of Newport, Birdhill and Toor:-
Newport Church: Christmas Eve 7.00pm; Christmas Day 9.00am and 11.30am.
Birdhill: Christmas Eve 7.30pm; Christmas Day 9.30am.
Toor: Christmas Eve 8.00pm; Christmas Day 10.30am.
Due to Covid 19 Restrictions and the suspension of the Sunday and Holy Day Obligation, people are encouraged to celebrate their Christmas Mass at some other time during the week leading up to the days above, or in the days following, to help with the managing of numbers attending our churches.
For Newport Church, once the required number has been reached inside the Church, the option will be available for people, if they so wish, to remain in their vehicles and access the Mass via Webcam on, search for link Newport, Birdhill and Toor, or listen to the Mass on radio frequency 107.4fm.
For Birdhill Church, the same option applies, but the Mass can only be accessed via the radio on the same frequency.
Distribution of Holy Communion, for people outside the churches, will be available, in the church, once those inside have received and departed.
For Toor Church, as there are no alternative means of celebrating Mass other than being inside the church, people wishing to come to Mass on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day or Sunday morning are asked to give their names to Anne Harrington stating, if there are places available, which Mass they wish to attend.
Whilst the restrictions currently in place make it very difficult to satisfactorily organise our celebrations of the Birth of Jesus Christ, it is hoped that everyone who celebrates the feast of Christmas will be spiritually uplifted by the Good News that Our Lord and Saviour brings to us in his coming to us as the God of love, peace and joy, and may his blessings be with you all for the Christmas Season and the New Year. Fr John O’Keeffe.
Tips for Christmes
Tip No. 1 Gift Wrapping – only buy recyclable wrapping paper or brown paper and add natural decorations like spruce or holly. Use a gift bag which can be reused. Watch this video to see what can and cannot be recycled: Which Christmas packaging items can and can’t be recycled? – YouTube
Tip No. 2 Christmas Crackers – buy plastic free or make your own using kitchen roll holders and tissue paper. See Craft corner: How to make Christmas Crackers – YouTube
Click here to see National Tidy Towns Newsletter Issue No 9
Click here to see Voice Ireland’s Winter Newsletter
It’s a Fact 90
175 tonnes of clothing has been collected form textile banks in Co Tipperary in 2020 to date (end of November)
4th December

27th November

Nature Tip 11
20th November
Remembering Our Dead
Donation to Milford

The Hub continues as an Open Community Library in addition to its original primary purpose of providing leaflets and information.
Stop Food Waste 1
Recipe for Our Times 15
It’s a Fact 87
Shop Local
The unique character of our local communities is defined by many different aspects, of which the presence of local businesses plays no small part. As we live through these difficult and very challenging times as a society, here in County Tipperary we are all asked to play a part in the sustainability of local communities by supporting our local businesses and spending locally. Across Ireland, if each adult spent just €20 extra in small businesses each week for the next 12 weeks, this would amount to an injection of over €875m into the local economy. For the sake of jobs and local investment we should continue to support our local businesses or sadly it could be a case of ‘use it or lose it’.
See the County Tipperary Shop Local Online Directory at
Staying Connected Art Competition
Tipperary Volunteer Centre invites young people to channel their inner creativity in a “Staying Connected” Art Competition. The competition is open to all ages and judging will be based on the following age categories : Under 8 , 8 to 12 years , 13 to 15 years , 16 to 18 years , 18 years+. There will be a total prize fund to the value of €800. There are no limits to the type of design and markers, crayons, paints or pencils can be used. All entries will be displayed on the Tipperary Volunteer Centre’s website and social media accounts.
You can scan and email your entry to
Please note posted entries will not be returned. Closing date is Tuesday 15th December 2020.
To be eligible for the competition all you need to do is:
Live in County Tipperary. Have a parents or guardians permission to enter the competition if you are under 18 years of age. Ensure your entry is received by Tipperary Volunteer Centre either by email or post before Wednesday 16th December. Ensure your entry is accompanied by your name, age category being entered, address, contact number and email. If you are under 18 the contact number and email address must be of the parent or guardian who gave you permission to enter the competition. Agree to your artwork being displayed via digital or traditional print, your artwork will be accredited to you. Selected artwork may also be anonymously posted to give a lift to the vulnerable and socially isolated in our communities at this time. Best of luck and remember it’s all about depicting “Staying Connected” and there will be a bonus prize of a €50 voucher for the entry that portrays the most novel way of staying connected in these challenging times.
14th November
Grants available for warmer homes, businesses and community buildings
Energy Communities Tipperary Cooperative (ECTC) are now seeking homeowners, businesses and community buildings who wish to avail of grant funding to carry out retrofit measures and energy upgrades on buildings throughout Co. Tipperary.
ECTC is a community-led, home insulation upgrade and retrofitting organisation which provides a One Stop Shop Retrofit Service. This takes the hassle out of getting grant aid, sourcing contractors and overseeing projects for homeowners, businesses and community groups.
Grants are available through the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) for measures which include: Attic Insulation; Heating Controls; Cavity, Internal & External Wall Insulation; Heat Pumps; Wood Burning Stoves; Windows and Doors; Solar panels – PV & Water. Grants are available for homeowners from 35% to 80%, for community buildings up to 50% and for commercial buildings up to 30%. ECTC applies for these grants on behalf of homeowners, businesses and community groups.
Click here to register: https://

Start your outdoor journey and begin a better future
Are you 18 – 29 years old or currently not in full time employment, education or training?
FOLM can offer you a FREE outdoor learning week and follow-up coaching. Start your outdoor journey and begin a better future
Aim of FOLM
- Improve motivation & self-confidence
- Provide valuable skills for your next step in life
- Become more connected to the environment
- Make friends
- Motivate young people to come back to studies or labour market due to Outdoor Learning.

2021 spaces for Living Well available
Living Well is a free group Self-Management programme for adults living with long-term health conditions. The following support available for anyone who needs help:
- One to one support
- Loan of devices (tablets, cameras, headsets)
- Tech support available for every programme
7 week online programmes
Mondays: Introduction – 11th January 2021; Dates 18th, 25th January 2020, 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd February 2021 from 10am -12.30pm
Wednesdays: Introduction -20th January 2021; Dates – 27th January, 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th Feb, 3rd March 2021 from 11.00 – 1.30pm
Thursdays: Introduction-28th January 2021; Dates – 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th Feb, 4th, 11th March 2021 from 10.30am – 13.00pm
Fridays: Introduction – 5th February 2021; Dates -12th, 19th, 26th Feb, 5th, 12th, 19th March 2021 from 2pm- 4.30pm
Saturdays: Introduction – 13th February 2021; Dates – 20th, 27th, Feb, 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th March 2021 from 10.30am – 13.00pm
For bookings, enquiries or promotional material email selfmanagementsupports@
5th November
Facebook training for Community Groups
Tipperary PPN in conjunction with both North & South Tipperary Development Companies will run 2 ‘Facebook for Community Groups’ training sessions:
- 5th November from 10 am to 11:30 am via zoom
- 11th November from 7pm to 8:30 pm via zoom
On completion of the course each participant will
- have a detailed understanding of how to use the power of Facebook in order to achieve their goals.
- have an insight into the power of Facebook and how that can be used for their own community group.
- know ways to increase engagement
- know how to deliver their message so their audience will notice and engage with it
- know how to set up a Facebook Page,
- how to adjust the settings and how important Facebook Groups are to community groups.
- discuss how to administer a Facebook page for your group.
To register for this course please visit https://www.eventbrite.
Places available: A maximum of 30 places are available for each training session.
Farmers are using ducks instead of pesticides! Who needs chemicals when you have hungry ducks? In many parts of the world, such as France and Japan, ducks are used as a natural form of pest control. They are regularly found in rice paddies, for example, eating their way through insects that infect crops.
30th October
Irish Heart Foundation Push Hard and Fast Rule
There’s a Hard and Fast Rule when it comes to performing CPR. The good news is that performing CPR is relatively simple – you just have to remember the two key steps:
- Call 112 or 999
- Push hard and fast in the centre of the chest
Due to Covid, the Irish Heart Foundation cancelled CPR training in communities nationwide, but cardiac arrests are still happening. Every year in Ireland thousands of people die from cardiac arrest. Around 70% of these happen at home, in front of a loved one. Which means that if someone you love suffers a cardiac arrest, you could be their best chance of survival. If you witness a cardiac arrest and perform CPR, you can double, if not triple, the person’s chance of survival.
We want you to learn the two key steps of CPR, and thanks to the support of Abbott and ESB Networks, we have created a new video to help you.
Visit for more information | The Hard and Fast Rule Information Pack

27% of households with children, worldwide, are ‘food insecure’
23rd October

If you wish to avail of this service please call to the sacristy of either church at the relevant time, and on arrival you will be given a small container with the number of hosts you require to distribute in your home. A sheet with prayers for the distribution of Holy Communion will also be given to you. We ask that each time you come to the church that you bring the container, given to you on the first occasion, with you in order to bring Holy Communion to your homes. It is stressed that the Sacred Host must be consumed on the day you collect it. It is felt that even though Mass is being broadcast everyday at 10.00am on the radio and livestream (
Fr John O’Keeffe
Fr Joe Delaney
16th October

Full details at:
9th October
Message from Fr O’Keeffe P.P.
Now that the country is on level 3 of the National Framework for living with COVID 19, Mass will be celebrated, behind closed doors, in Newport Church only, until further notice at 10.00am daily (Sunday to Saturday inclusive) and will be broadcast on and on Radio Frequency 107.4 (limited coverage from Newport area). Recordings of Masses will remain on website for 14 days.
All churches in the parish will be open during each day for private prayer. Weddings and Funerals are limited in attendance to 25 people, and Baptisms are deferred until further notice.
National Women’s Enterprise Day – 14 OctoberThis year’s event is moving online to and the big themes are resilience, self-care, innovation and opportunity. All events in the programme are free of charge and include workshops with experts, panel discussions, a virtual marketplace and facilitated networking to connect more entrepreneurs with each other.
Entrepreneurs that will be sharing their insights and journeys include
- Nenagh based Florrie Purcell of The Scullery
- Olympian-turned-company founder Derval O’ Rourke
- Sonia Deasy of the Irish global skincare brand Pestle & Mortar
- Pamela Laird of Moxi Loves who was a finalist on BBC’s The Apprentice
- Áine Kerr, the co-founder of Kinzen and RTÉ broadcaster, who is also the M.C. for the day
County Development Plan Webinar
Tipperary PPN will host a webinar on the preparation of the new Tipperary County Development Plan.
Date: Tuesday 20th October 2020; Time: 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Presenter on the night: Nuala O’Connell, Senior Executive Planner, Tipperary County Council.
The webinar will explain the following:
- · process of preparing the County Development Plan
- · the role of the Plan
- · key issues to be addressed
- · how you can get involved
- · Q & A session
In advance of the webinar, you are invited to review the dedicated County Development Plan website, and in particular the Issues Paper, click here:
There will be some time for questions and answers following the presentation on the night but if you have any specific questions already in relation to the County Development Plan, please submit them when registering for the webinar.
To register for this webinar:
- · email with “County Development Plan Webinar” in the subject box.
- · Please give your name and the community group you are involved with
Limited spaces available and registration required before 2pm Monday the 19th October.
The zoom link for the webinar will be sent out on Tuesday 20th.
It’s a Fact 81
September 2020 was the warmest on record globally, according to the weather service Copernicus. It was 0.05C hotter than September last year, which in turn set the previous record high for the month.
2nd October

October is Ireland’s National Reuse Month. Reuse is about valuing our stuff, by using and reusing it for as long and as often as possible. This avoids the need to extract raw materials, manufacture and distribute new stuff, and avoids waste, thereby cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions. How many things can you reuse this month?
Tree Day
Today, 1st October, is Tree Day in Ireland, promoted by the Tree Council of Ireland. It’s an opportunity for everyone to connect directly with trees, nature, and the outdoors and to reflect on the value of trees. One of the main aims of Tree Day is to educate children about the importance of natural resources including trees and forests in their everyday lives. The theme this year is “Bí i do fórsa don nádúir!” – “Be A Force For Nature!” Speaking today, Minister for Land Use & Biodiversity, Pippa Hackett said, “We have one of the lowest levels of tree cover in Europe. That must increase, but it must increase in a way which is sympathetic to our native trees and our habitats while still delivering for commercial forestry and the timber industry.”
County Plan
Tipperary County Council has commenced the preparation of a new County Development Plan for Tipperary. To facilitate public engagement, a dedicated ‘County Development Plan’ webpage has been set up and will remain ‘live’ during the two-year process. As the Plan progresses, the site will be routinely up-dated with reports, published submissions, public engagement guides and videos etc. The site can be accessed at the following link:
This first stage of the public consultation process will run for an 8 week period, where submissions are invited from stakeholders and members of the public, on or before 4pm, Monday, 16th November, 2020. Submissions may be made on-line, by post or by e-mail to All submissions are welcome.
Click here for information on some Walking Routes in County Galway.
It’s a Fact 80
About one third of the Earth’s land surface is covered by deserts, or partial deserts.
24th September

Click here for information on County Kilkenny for your travels around Ireland.
17th September

Tipperary Mini Marathon Women’s Virtual 10k will take place over the weekend 26th-27th September 2020
This year’s event will be a free virtual event which will allow participants to pick their own 10k route and their own start time to complete the event on either Saturday 26th or Sunday 27th September. Participants can run on their own or with small groups adhering to the HSE guidelines. Registration can be completed via on
In order to receive their event medallion and souvenir, participants will be asked to submit their name and completed time to Tipperary Sports Partnership. In addition, following completion of the event participants will be in with a chance of winning a spot prize when they submit a photo either by email to or via TSP social media platforms.
The Event is funded through Sports Ireland’s Women in Sport Programme and event partners/supporters include Tipperary Sports Partnership, Tipperary Athletic County Board, Thurles Crokes and Tipperary County Council.
It’s a Fact 78
In 2017 Ireland had the worst level of emissions of nitrogen oxides in the EU, at 70 per cent. Nitrogen oxides are typically produced from vehicle exhausts, and the burning of coal, oil, diesel fuel and natural gas.
10th September
Culture Night
Friday 18th September is the date for our Zoom Concert featuring local people, local songs, local poems, local stories, local music. It’s all about Birdhill – a great opportunity to experience the sense of identity and pride that we all associate with our native place. Join in to watch and listen to some of the many talented people in Birdhill. Or perhaps you have a party piece to contribute! Please register by email to or by text to 087-9355750 not later than 6pm on Thursday 17th if you wish to be part of this event. Log in details will then be issued to those who register. The event will commence at 9.00pm and last about an hour and a half.
Click here for info on County Louth for anyone considering a staycation during the forthcoming months (especially for our Sec).
Click here to read Newsletter from the Tidy Towns Unit of the Dept of Rural & Community Development. Some interesting articles included.
5th September
Birdhill Culture Night
Preparations are now in full swing to mark Culture Night with a Zoom Concert on Friday 18th September, focusing on local culture. Already, some long-lost poems have resurfaced and we look forward to hearing them. We will also have some new poems, as we will be joined by special guest, Michael Durack, reciting some verses from his recently published book of poetry entitled ‘Flip Sides.’ Join in to hear such compositions as ‘Birdhill before the Tidy Towns,’ ‘Bikinis in the 80 Acres,’ ‘Birdhill Station,’ etc. Look out for further details next week.
Train Services
Iarnród Éireann resumed the usual services through Birdhill this week, as follows:
To Limerick (Mon to Sat): 08.12, 11.37, 20.39.
To Nenagh/Dublin (Mon to Sat): 07.00, 17.24. 17.49 (Sun only)
Stay and Spend
Stay and Spend is a tax scheme aimed at consumers to help drive sales in the hospitality sector during the off-season which has been negatively impacted as a result of COVID-19. The scheme will provide a maximum of €125 in income tax credits to tax-payers who spend up to €625 in restaurants, pubs, hotels, B&Bs and other qualifying businesses, from Autumn 2020 through to Spring 2021, including over the Christmas period. Starting on 1st October, taxpayers will be able to claim back 20% of their spend on food and accommodation as an income tax credit until the scheme ends in April 2021. People are encouraged to spend locally as far as possible.
Over the next few months we will circulate some information about various destinations throughout the country to help people on their staycations. We start this week with a look at some interesting Walks in Tipperary. Click to access.
Re-Imagining Tourism in Tipperary
A specially-commissioned training programme entitled ‘Re-Imagining Tourism in Tipperary’ took place online in June and July. Phase two of this programme will commence on 7th September at 11.00am and every Monday for five weeks. Anyone involved or interested in the tourism industry is invited to participate. There is no charge, so sign up by clicking on this link : Sign up to the Re-imagining Tourism Course.
Safety is a major concern for potential visitors planning a trip this autumn. It is essential that businesses adopt the recommended safety and cleaning guidelines to help build confidence for customers. Fáilte Ireland’s Covid-19 Safety Charter is designed to help employers and employees meet those guidelines. Click this link to sign up Apply for COVID-19 Safety Charter
It’s a Fact 76
Ireland has the third worst emissions of greenhouse gases per capita in the EU, the equivalent of 13.3 tonnes of carbon dioxide per capita. Estonia and Luxembourg have the highest level of carbon dioxide emissions per capita in 2018 at 15.3 and 20.5 tonnes respectively. Sweden has the lowest rate of emissions 2018 at 5.4 tonnes per capita.
27th August
Culture Night
Birdhill Tidy Towns will host an event on Zoom to mark Culture Night on Friday 18th September. The event will focus on local culture only, looking at songs and poetry about Birdhill. Anyone who has a poem or song about our local area, its people, places, events or activities, is invited to participate. Maybe someone might write something new for the occasion! Even if you don’t have something to contribute, you might like to ‘zoom in’ and enjoy our local talent performing. Full details in the coming weeks. Please reply to this email if you would like to watch, listen, perform or just supply a suitable piece of writing.
Tellus Survey
If you see any low-flying aircraft during the next few months, it will probably be part of Geological Survey Ireland’s programme that collects geochemical and geophysical data on rocks, soil and water across Ireland. To collect this data, the latest phase of the survey will involve an aircraft flying at low heights from August 2020 until the end of the year (weather permitting) over Counties Laois, Kilkenny, Tipperary and Waterford, and neighbouring parts of Kildare, Carlow, Offaly and Cork. The aircraft will fly at a low level of 60 metres over rural areas (approximately eight times the height of a standard two storey house), rising to 240 metres over urban areas. The sound of the plane is similar to that of a passing lorry and it may startle sensitive livestock, such as horses, pedigree cattle, sheep-in-lamb and poultry flocks. If you have any concerns about the survey, particularly if you own sensitive livestock, or if you are interested in finding out more about the project, contact the Tellus Freephone information line on 1800 45 55 65 or visit
Work it out – free online career and business development workshops
‘Work it Out’ provides a modern approach to the world of work – one that builds on individual strengths, supports each person and helps everyone to develop their full potential. With the current ongoing situation, there is now a great opportunity to take stock of what you and your community really want to do and spend some time thinking about your future. The two workshops are open to everyone aged 15-95 and ideal for those looking to earn additional income, find new opportunities, develop their skills, re-invent their retirement, boost their career or develop a business, return to work or get out of the house, support their local community – or who are simply ready for a change or a fresh start.
Des McCabe, international career development specialist and author of the best-selling book ‘Work it Out!’ and Jimmy Ryan will deliver 2 hour online taster workshops on 1st September and 2nd September. After these Workshops, participants will have the opportunity to sign up for the 6 Weeks Work It Out Follow-on programmes which are also Free. You can join all of these live events from the comfort of your own home at no cost!
The enjoyable two-hour workshops are open to everyone irrespective of their current situation or background. To reserve your place please go to; and choose the date that suits you. There are limited tickets remaining so booking is essential. You can also call or text Jimmy Ryan now on 087 095 6222 or email
Work it Out! is funded and supported by the Department of Community and Rural Development and Tipperary County Council. See attached flyer for details.
It’s a Fact 75
The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere, as of May 2020, is the highest it has been in human history
22nd August
Woodland Path Closed
Slí na Coille, the Woodland Path in the village, will remain closed for some time following recent storm damage. The Pollaghs Road is now accessible again, as fallen trees have been removed.
Looking Back: Tidy Towns History
The first meeting of Birdhill Tidy Towns Committee was held in The Coopers on 8th October 1991.
The first fundraiser was on 11th December, a Quiz at Coopers, which netted a profit of £227. The winning team included Sean Ryan (M), Paddy Touhy, Seamus Aherne and Michael Murphy. Runners-up were Joe & Ann Kennedy, Sadie Ryan and Agatha Murphy.
Birdhill first entered the Tidy Towns competition in 1991. Among the comments in the Adjudication Report were:
With sustained effort and commitment you should rapidly improve your overall ranking in the competition.
The new footpaths and road development give an air of neatness to the village and you have done well to keep the village litter free.
The colourful display of Tipperary Trading Company is excellent.
The ivy growth on the gable of Matt The Threshers needs control and should be removed from the roof area.
The car park at the Coopers is somewhat bleak and would be enhanced by the planting of trees and shrubs in suitable areas or containers.
The Foodstore, though neat and clean, is now out of line with the rest of the buildings in the village. The Coke sign is inordinate in size.
The road surface on the way into the Railway Station is very poor and the large area at the station itself is way behind the standard of the rest of the village.
It’s a Fact 74
We now produce nearly 300 million tons of plastic worldwide every year, half of which is for single use, after which it is thrown away. More than 8 million tons of plastic is dumped into our oceans every year. Plastic is a valuable resource but plastic pollution is an unnecessary and unsustainable waste of that resource.
14th August
Love this Place – Leave no Trace
As we become more accustomed to enjoying the great outdoors, especially in our own locality, it is worth reminding ourselves of the 7 Principles of Leave No Trace: 1. Plan ahead and Prepare; 2. Be Considerate of Others; 3. Respect Farm Animals and Wildlife; 4. Travel and Camp on Durable Ground; 5. Leave What You Find; 6. Dispose of Waste Properly; 7. Minimise the Effects of Fire.
Practising a Leave No trace ethic is very simple: Make it hard for others to see or hear you and LEAVE NO TRACE of your visit.
See short video clip:
Tidy Towns Newsletter
Clicke here for copy of the current National Tidy Towns newsletter which has some worthwhile information and advice. The ‘Sense of Place’ article by adjudicator Anne O’Leary is interesting.
Heritage Week
Heritage Week takes place between the 15th and 23rd August. Some of the nearby events taking place include:
- Talk at theGraves of the Leinstermenon Sunday August 23rd. Arra Historical & Archaeological Society will hold a talk at 12.30pm, delivered by Dr Siobhán Geraghty and Derek Ryan. Due to Covid-19, the organisers request
that anyone wishing to attend this event should email with contact details to facilitate contact tracing and to help with management of numbers. All Government/HSE guidelines will be observed and suitable footwear is necessary due to uneven surface at the site. This event is subject to cancellation if weather conditions are unfavourable
- Join Dr. Barry O Reilly, Architectural Heritage Officer with the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage for aWalkabout in Tipperary Townwhile looking at some of the interesting Architectural features in this historic town on Saturday 22nd August at 11 am. For Health and Safety/Public Health reasons, numbers are strictly limited and places must be booked in advance by emailing
- Cloncannon Biofarm near Moneygallon Sunday 16th August from 2.30 to 5.00pm will host a series of guided walks: Foraging Walk through the meadows and hedgerows; Exploring native trees and hedgerows and the interconnectivity of creatures that live in these habitats; Basket Making Demonstration; Tour of the grass and herb species in the grassland; Mini beasts of the soil, ponds and streams. All talks/walks will run concurrently to allow for small groups. There will also be live music. This event is free but booking is essential – via Eventbrite or by phoning the host, Sean O’Farrell on 087-9227957
- Learning in Nature – in Irish: Wednesday 19th August at Cloncannon Biofarm, Moneygall. Nádúr trí Gaeilge. Spraoi agus craic tri mheán na Gaeilge.
Visit for details of all the projects/events taking place nationwide. For events in Tipperary see
One could also stay local and explore the natural heritage of Birdhill in places like the Pollaghs. Why not follow the Pollagh Eco Trail using your mobile phone to access information en route via the QR Codes.
It’s a Fact 73
Children contribute to only 10% of the world’s pollution but are prone to 40% of global diseases.
8th August
Local Blueberries
Blueberry season has commenced. If anyone wishes to purchase local fresh blueberries, contact Joan on 087 9271419.
Heritage Week
As part of Heritage Week 2020, a talk on ‘The Rock of Cashel in the Middle Ages – new light on the ancient capital of Munster,‘ will be delivered on Zoom at 7pm on August 20th by Dr Patrick Gleeson, a native of Nenagh and Senior Lecturer in Archaeology and Palaeoecology at Queen’s University Belfast. The talk is free but booking is essential and places can be reserved by emailing
Upcycle Challenge
Further to last week’s reference to the Upcycle Challenge 2020, interested parties are reminded that the competition is open to individuals or groups. The closing date is the end of October. See the T&C’s at
It’s a Fact 72
Pollution is one of the biggest killers, affecting more than 100 million people worldwide.
1st August
Dog Fouling
Section 22 of the Litter Pollution Act 1997 makes it an offence for the person in charge of a dog not to clean up when their dog fouls in a public place. This obligation particularly applies to public roads, footpaths, parks and beaches. Failure of a person in charge of a dog to remove dog faeces from a public place could result in an on the spot fine of €150, or if convicted in court, a fine of €3,000. Not cleaning up after your dog can have detrimental health consequences for the public, especially young children.
For the convenience of dog owners, we have ‘mutt mitts’ available in the Community Park, at the entrance to the Pollaghs, in the Community Orchard and in the Information Booth (telephone kiosk) in the Village.
Apples Galore.
2020 Upcycle Challenge

MyWaste and the EPA are challenging everyone to unearth the imagination within and create something new out of something old to breathe new life into an old or unwanted item or material. So if you can find something old and renovate it or turn it into something completely different but still usable then we want to see it! When entering please remember that we need to see the journey you’ve taken, be sure to submit some pictures of the before, during and after the transformation, make sure to let us know why you did what you did and we want to know what was your inspiration. The competition is open to non-professionals and we have amazing cash prizes up for grabs, yes cash!
For full details visit
Heritage Event
Join the Big Dig for Heritage Week 2020 in Cabragh Wetlands, Thurles on Wednesday 19th August for a family-friendly Heritage Event. Everyone who attends will partake in and enjoy amazing and fun-filled workshops over the course of the day. This child-friendly Big Dig (ages 5-12) will be from 11am – 3pm with workshops running at 11am, 1pm and 3pm. This FREE event is kindly supported by Tipperary County Council and funded by the Heritage Council and is taking place in conjunction with Heritage Week 2020! This is a ticket only event and places are limited to 8 per session, so book online now at
COVID-19 Public Health recommendations and advice will be observed and implemented at this event.
Ann-Marie Keaveney, Assistant Staff Officer, Arts Office & Heritage Office, Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.
T 0761 06 6860 | 0761 06 5000
It’s a Fact 71
There’s more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere now than at any time in human history. The last time Earth’s atmosphere contained as much CO2 was more than three million years ago, when sea levels were several metres higher and trees grew at the South Pole.
25th July
Repair Directory
Click here to see copy of our Repair Directory. Our thanks to Marion O’Brien and the members of the Sustainability Committee for the work they put into sourcing the information. The Directory is a live document and may be added to as required. It will continue to be available and updated on Most of the listings are within a short distance of Birdhill, but it is noticeable that there are very few names from our own community included. However, we are aware that there is a wide array of services available locally and we would like to highlight all of those in a Services Directory. A similar booklet was produced some decades ago, but many of those services are no longer in operation, so it is appropriate that a new listing be provided for the benefit of newcomers to the area. If you would like to be included in the Birdhill Services Directory, please forward details to this email address.
Training Opportunities
Click here for copy of Newsletter from Tipperary Local Enterprise Office outlining Training programmes now available.
Call-Out for RTE Programme
My name is Pat and I am contacting you from the RTÉ ONE series Wingman and we are now open for applications to take part. It might be something that some of the Tidy Town volunteers are interested in or might know somebody that they may nominate?
Presented by Baz Ashmawy, Wingman sees Baz meet a person with something missing from their life and acts as their “wingman”, opening their mind to new possibilities and showing them what could be. We’d love to find someone or a group of friends that have realised that during this lockdown they wanted to become an artist, that they had a life-long ambition to perform or feel that this is their time to do something they’ve been putting on the long finger too long. Or perhaps there is a frontline hero that someone would like to nominate after all of the help over the last couple of months and reward them for all their work in the community.
See attached Call-Out poster with more details about the show. If you can help me with getting the word to the clubs and members of Tidy Town members and clubs around Ireland, I’d really appreciate it! If you have any questions, please do let me know!
Contact: Patrick Mahon, Freelance TV Producer, 353 87 271 6693,
It’s a Fact 70
As the top producers of plastic waste in Europe, we produce the equivalent of nearly 2,000 water bottles, or 5,550 disposal coffee cups, per person per year in Ireland.
17th July
Following dumping incident in the Pollaghs on Thursday night, we ask members of the community to look out for, take note of and report suspicious vans/trailers/pick-up trucks, etc. in the area. This is an important element of Community Alert. Let us all play our part in ensuring a safer community and a cleaner environment.
Tipperary Tourism
13 July at 00:46 ·
Your little ones deserve a treat, and our #MyTipperaryTip today is just for them. Take them to the oasis of calm that is Birdhill’s children’s park; this little woodland park is full to the brim with intriguing mysteries and exciting possibilities. Learn about the Tuatha de Danann and the animal friends of the fairy folk. You can bring a picnic and dine in the rose garden, spy on a fairy council meeting before you head over to the wishing chair to close your eyes and think very hard about what it is you want to wish for. Find all the fairy homes; they are up high and down low and pick your favourite. In the centre of the woodland, there is a “Nook”. A space where you can retreat to for quiet time- and still see everything that’s going on, some of the windows look right out on the Fairy council. “The Nook”, is a safe retreat for children who may be experiencing sensory overload as this is an Autism-friendly play area, an integral element of Ireland’s first autism-friendly village.
See article and photos on
Nenagh MD Community Wellbeing
A Draft Vision for Community Wellbeing in the Nenagh Municipal District has been published. This guiding Vision will inform the work of county policy and decision-making bodies as well as supporting the development of aTipperary Strategic Plan. Comments on the Draft Vision are now invited using the online form here:
Responses should be submitted by 6pm on Wed 29th July.
It’s a Fact 69
Ireland is the top producer of plastic waste (per capita) in Europe, generating an average of 61kgs per person every year – almost double what the UK produces.
10th July
3rd July
If these arrangements have to be enacted, Holy Communion can be received by coming into the church after Mass, once those present inside have departed. I stress that alternatively the Sunday Obligation can be fulfilled by either coming to a weekday Mass, the times of which are:-

Did you know that this month is ‘Plastic Free July’ when people are committing to increasing their awareness of the amount of plastic in their world and to taking action to reduce it? It is a month to make a very conscious effort to say NO to single use plastic every time you can.
What can you do?
- To get started, why not conduct a plastic audit in your home or office and find out how much plastic you are using. You can find the No Home For Plastic Audit here:
ukn38iZY - Do the ‘My Challenge Choices’ (click here) to measure your impact on the environment.
- Join the Postcard Campaign asking the 5 big supermarkets in Ireland to make it easier for us to reduce our levels of plastic waste when shopping. See copy of postcard here. Postcards are available in the Information Hub (Telephone Kiosk) in Birdhill Village. Sign the card physically or online at and ask your friends to sign one. Signed postcards can then be deposited in the special collection box which will be available in the Telephone Kiosk for the month of July.
Here are some tips and tricks for avoiding plastic
1. Decide to take action! – Whether through the Postcard campaign above, removing 1 plastic item a week or just adding Plastic free to your email signature
2. Swap out – Think about the things you throw away every day – there are alternatives for many single use items from face wipes to cling film.
3. Be prepared – have your cup / bag / lunchbox ready and visible.
4. Buy loose – when shopping this reduces plastic wrapping and food waste.
5. Refuse – don’t automatically take the plastic spoons or 5 sachets of ketchup – take only what you need.
6. Don’t lose heart! – Changing a habit is tough and can take a little time, so make sure you congratulate yourself on the victories and don’t worry too much on the missed opportunities.
“There has to be a better way than throw away” so say NO to single use plastic every chance you can (always) but especially during Plastic Free July.
Peatlands Conservation
The 2020-2021 call for the Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme is now open. The Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme is now seeking in 2020 to encourage local communities, local groups, schools and other interested parties to engage with the Department in relation to the conservation and revitalisation of raised bog and blanket bog Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs) and other peatland areas and promote public engagement and awareness of our natural heritage. The Scheme will support a diverse range of initiatives with community benefit from events, education programmes, promotions, publications, exhibitions, development of conservation management plans, public amenity and recreational measures, maintenance measures that support the conservation of raised and blanket bogs, monitoring or surveying work to inform peatland restoration/conservation projects, invasive species and fire control measures, anti-littering initiatives to local environmental improvements in the area of the designated bogs and other peatland areas. See full details at
Community groups, local groups or individuals who may have an interest in this Scheme should contact Peatlands Management Unit at
It’s a Fact 67
Food scraps and other organic garbage creates methane, a greenhouse gas 20 times stronger than carbon dioxide
25th June
Respecting the Park
As previously mentioned, we are delighted with the volumes of people using our Community Park in recent months. However, we again have to appeal to all users to ensure that the amenity is respected. Examples of a few recent unwelcome incidents include:
3 children/teenagers sitting on top of ‘The Nook’ causing damage to the roof (The Nook was installed as a haven of retreat for those with autism); teenagers cycling around the Park and doing ‘handbrake locks’ to scatter stones and mulch; throwing stones and rocks into the pond. Maintenance and upkeep of the Park is done on a voluntary basis, so we seek the cooperation of parents in implementing a few basic rules and bringing them to the attention of your children:
1. No cycling in the Park; 2. Ensure that no litter is left lying around; 3. Return all toys to the Children’s Playhouse if your children take them out; 4. Don’t throw stones into the pond; 5. Clean up after your dog; 6. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time, keep nothing but memories.
Birdhill Community Park is a wonderful recreational and educational amenity. It would be a pity if the actions of a few were to ruin its attraction and enjoyment for so many.
BeActive Day
Tipperary Sports Partnership is challenging the people of the county to take part in BeActive Day 2020, Sunday 28th June, as part of the Sport Ireland National BeActive Day. Tipperary Sports Partnership is one of 29 Local Sports Partnerships in the country who are coming together to celebrate a day of physical activity and sport and want you to join in and be active. See full details at
Zoom Quiz
Thanks to all who participated in our Zoom Quiz last weekend. It was an interesting experience, with high scoring and a tight finish. Well done to Anthony Floyd and family who were winners. Participants have been asked to make a contribution to Newport Day Care Centre through Birdhill Tidy Towns. Anyone else wishing to donate to this worthy cause is also welcome to do so.
What Planet Are You On?
Please see attached information about the TV show ‘What Planet Are You On?’ presented by Maia Dunphy. The first series of programmes aired at the end of 2019. RTE are looking for 4 households from across the country for this year’s series to take on the challenge of doing their bit for climate change. With €5,000 up for grabs for the most improved household, could your household take on the challenge? The application form is online at Closing Date for receipt of applications is Friday, 3rd July 2020.
Tipperary Tourism
Follow this link for Tipperary brochures, information and postcards, if you intend exploring the Premier County this summer:
Working from home? Here is a useful youtube clip with advice on good posture while working at your computer:
Visiting others during the pandemic! See advice from the HSE about visiting your friends:
It’s a Fact 66
There is more water vapour in the atmosphere than all the combined rivers on the planet.
17th June
The potential of technology to support older adults to live independently at home
This study is being carried out by researchers from Dublin City University. This research is part of the first phase of a larger project that aims to develop technology to support independent living. Involvement in this research requires the completion of a short online survey. This survey aims to gather information from older adults, caregivers and social and healthcare professionals about how technology can address some of the issues they face. The results of this research will form the foundation for the technology developers to design and develop a system that reflects the practical and real life needs of the people who will ultimately use the technology.
You are eligible to take part if you are living in Ireland and fit into one or more of the categories below:
- I am an older adult living at home (age 60 years and older)
- I am a family caregiver (caring for an older adult aged 60 years and older living at home)
- I am employed to provide home care to older adults aged 60 years and older and living at home (e.g. home help, home care assistant, home carer)
- I am a healthcare professional working with older adults aged 60 years and older living at home (e.g. Nurse, Doctor, Allied Health Professional)
To complete the survey and for more information please visit https://dcu-snpch.
Recipe for Our Times 11
Click here for for recipe for Spiced Pulao with Saffron
Activities for Kids & Adults
More GAA Activities: https://www.gaa.
Gníomhachtaí trí Ghaeilge: Déan cluiche sacair boird duit féin:
BeActive Day 2020
Sunday, 28th June as part of the Sport Ireland National BeActive Day.
Tipperary Sports Partnership is one of 29 Local Sports Partnerships in the country who are coming together to celebrate a day of physical activity and sport and want you to join in and be active. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Tipperary Sports Partnership has been working hard to ensure the people of Tipperary remain physically active.
As part of a national network, Tipperary Sports Partnership has adapted by using online resources, printed booklets and other innovative means, to ensure that everyone in their community has the opportunity to share in the enjoyment as well as the mental and physical health benefits of sport and physical activity. International guidelines recommend children are active for at least 60 minutes a day and adults for 30 minutes a day, National BeActive Day is a fun and inclusive way of getting in your daily physical activity. National BeActive Day is an opportunity to get everyone in the household up and active. You can do it just for fun or add a competitive element by keeping scores or splitting into teams. No matter what you do, you are encouraged to be active and have some fun and make Tipperary the most active county this weekend!
The Local Sports Partnerships have developed a printable list of games and activities to give you some inspiration, all of which are fully adaptive for people of all abilities and skill levels. With suggestions to make the games harder or easier, there is a game for everyone. Simply print out the games or display them on your phone and be active or why not get creative and create your own games, activities or challenges?
Tipperary Sports Partnership are running a competition for the most creative National BeActive Day activity in the county so make sure to share a photo or video on social media and tag in @SportIreland and @tipperarysports and the hashtag #NationalBeActiveDay to be in with a chance of winning a prize! If you are not on social media, you can email a photo or video of your activity to to be in with a chance of winning a prize!
For more information on the home sports day visit https://www.
It’s a Fact 65
The water in our lakes, ponds, streams, rivers and other surface water makes up 0.3% of our fresh water resource
11th June
Have Your Say on Climate Control
As part of the European Green Deal the Commission will put forward a comprehensive plan to increase the EU’s 2030 Climate Target in September this year. The plan will propose to increase the EU’s current 2030 target of greenhouse gas emission reductions. The Commission invites all stakeholders and citizens to submit views on the EU’s 2030 climate ambition increase and on the action and policy design necessary for deeper greenhouse gas emission reductions. Open public consultation on the 2030 Climate Target Plan can be accessed by visiting;
4th June
Community Support
Click here for copy of the updated Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook – a tool to help build resilience in these difficult times.
Hedgehog Survey
The National Biodiversity Data Centre is conducting an Irish Hedgehog Survey seeking to build a greater understanding of hedgehog distribution and population status across the island of Ireland. There is a dearth of information on its status in Ireland, although studies seem to indicate that hedgehog numbers are in steep decline due to habitat loss and development practices. As hedgehogs are generally nocturnal they are not often seen in the wild unless they are found dead on roads, or if they are regular visitors to gardens at night. The Irish Hedgehog Survey is looking to receive any sightings of live or dead hedgehogs to build up a more detailed picture of where they occur.
The survey will run between the start of June and the end of September. You can find all information here:
With their spiny coats, the hedgehog is one of our most recognisable mammal species, measuring between 15cm and 30cm and weighing up to 2kg. Hedgehogs are found throughout the country and will live in farmland, woodland, gardens and parks. They avoid very wet areas and conifer plantations and they are scarce in upland regions. They favour habitats with good cover of bushes and hedgerows which provide them with shelter, food and corridors to travel through the countryside. They are solitary animals and they may have several, temporary nests that they use to rest during the day. Hedgehogs emerge at night to feed on insects such as beetles and other small invertebrates like millipedes and snails. They will also opportunistically feed on carrion, eggs, frogs and fallen fruit. If hedgehogs encounter danger, they will roll into a ball with spines raised to protect themselves. The badger is the only effective predator of hedgehogs in Ireland. Females usually have one litter per year with most hoglets born in June and July. Hedgehogs are true hibernators – they hibernate during the winter months, but if the weather is very mild, they may wake up to feed.
Recipe for Our Times 9
Click here to see recipe for Sweet Potato & Cashew Nut Soup
Activities for Kids and Adults
More GAA Activities:
Gardening for Beginners:
Gníomhachtaí trí Ghaeilge: Cliceáil anseo chun Cuardach Focal (Wordsearch) a fháil – gach focal ag baint leis an scoil.
It’s a Fact 63
The honey bee is the only insect that produces food eaten by humans
29th May
Recycling Crisp Packets & Chocolate Wrappers
Please see accompanying photo of what was deposited in the Recycling facility in the Information Booth (phone box) in the village last week.
On the left are the crisp packets, on the right the chocolate wrappers. The problem is the middle. These are all non-acceptable items, including biscuit, nut, coffee, soup and multipack crisp wrappers. Just because the item is made from the same material, does not mean it can be deposited with the crisp bags and chocolate wrappers. Some weeks, the volume of the non-acceptable items outweighs what is correctly deposited. Those using the facility are asked to ensure that they follow correct procedure. And remember this recycling is not only keeping plastic out of landfill, it is also generating €1 per kg for Milford Hospice.
Business Restart Grant
Tipperary County Council are now taking applications online for ‘Restart’ grants aimed at helping micro and small businesses with the costs associated with reopening and reemploying workers following the COVID-19 closures. Businesses are encouraged to apply for the restart grant in line with the published roadmap for the phased re-opening of the economy which has been widely communicated. Details as follows:
All information (including a FAQ document) and on-line application form at
Queries on the grant may be emailed to or calling 0761 06 5000.
Art & Craft Activities for Kids & Adults
More GAA Activities for Kids:
Gníomhachtaí tri Ghaeilge: Cliceáil anseo féachaint conas píotsa a dhéanamh (how to make a pizza):
Lots of ideas for making a summer wreath for your front door:
Recipe for Our Times 8
Click here to see attached recipe for Moroccan Bean Casserole
It’s a Fact 62
The average bee will make only 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.
23rd May
Work Days
We appeal for help for the following tasks:
Resurfacing and Filling Potholes on the Pollaghs Road on Sat 23rd at 10.00am.
Sowing flowers on Monday 25th in the Village at 7.00pm.
Appropriate distancing will be implemented on both days.
Community Support
One of our Community Support Volunteers is looking for 2 tabby kittens for a person recovering from illness and living alone. If anyone can help, please contact our volunteer, Mary 087-9439437.
Recipe for our times 7
Click here for Rhubarb & Strawberry Crumble recipe
Arts & Crafts Activities for Children and Adults
For more GAA Activities click on this link:
Gníomhachtaí trí Ghaeilge: Brúigh anseo chun seilide (snail) a dhéanamh:íocht-le-pádraig-seáinín-an-seilide-/182094952959763/
Trócaire and Poetry Ireland launched their annual poetry competition for kids and adults back in January. The closing date has been extended to Friday 12th of June 2020. Follow this link for details:
Nature Tip 9
May 20th was World Bee Day, helping to create awareness of the importance of bees in our world. One third of our global food supply is pollinated by bees. They keep plants and crops alive. Without bees, humans wouldn’t have very much to eat. If bees do not have enough to eat, we won’t have enough to eat. Why not leave a corner of your garden uncut to allow wildflowers grow to support our bees.
It’s a Fact 61
Honey bees must gather nectar from two million flowers to make one pound of honey.
15th May
Local Amenities
Birdhill Tidy Towns has helped create many community amenities which have proved to be of great benefit over the past few months. The Community Park, Pollagh Trail, Literary Trail, Railway Garden, Community Orchard, Village Green, etc. have all attracted many visitors and are wonderful locations for the recreational and exercise routines required in these restricted times. We are delighted to see them so well used and we hope that everyone will continue to respect these amenities.
Such amenities require maintenance. We plan to carry out some resurfacing and filling of pot holes on the Pollagh Road on Saturday 23rd May at 10.00am. Any help that you could provide (with a shovel) would be greatly appreciated. We will ensure that social distancing is implemented.
Local Businesses
It’s good to see local businesses back in action again serving the people of Birdhill:
Matt The Threshers is open for Take-Away Food on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 5 – 9pm and on Sunday from 1 – 7pm. Order online and collect at the door.
The Old Barracks Coffee Roastery have now opened an outlet for artisan foods, to add to their street food and wide variety of coffee.
Larkin’s Gala continue to provide a very valuable service to our community.
We hope that Cooper’s Bar will soon be able to open their doors again.
Community Support Network
Feedback shows that there have been calls to our Support Network for help in 4 of the 8 districts in the Birdhill area. Volunteers have done shopping, collected medical supplies, delivered newspapers, looked for a lost dog, made regular phone calls to isolated neighbours, dropped off home-baking, etc. Thanks to everyone who has helped in any way to make life a little easier for all members of our community.
Age Friendly Ireland is conducting a survey on rightsizing (downsizing, or moving to a more age-appropriate house). This piece of work is being carried out in the context of the ‘Housing Options for our Ageing Population’ policy statement. We are interested in hearing the views of older people across the country in relation to their perceptions and experiences of rightsizing.
The information will be used by Age Friendly Ireland to influence Local and National Government Housing policy. It is really important that we hear what older people have to say on matters of concern to them. The results of the survey will only be used for research and to inform policy. All information given will be treated in the strictest of confidence. Participation in this survey is voluntary. The survey will take 5-10 minutes and you must be over 18 to take part.
The link to the online version of the questionnaire is
The survey Closes on the 20th May. All queries in relation to this survey should be directed to
Dr Emer Coveney, National Programme Manager, Age Friendly Ireland, Meath County Council
Contact:046 909 7419 085 874 5680
Art & Craft Activities for Kids & Adults
For more GAA activities click on this link:
Healthy cooking and eating for children check out:
Gníomhachtaí trí Gaeilge: Brúigh anseo chun Cuardach Focal (Wordsearch) a fháil:
Recipe for Our Times 6
Click here for Broccoli Meatballs recipe
Nature Tip 8
The most sustainable way to make your garden bird and wildlife friendly is to plant trees and shrubs that will provide natural food, shelter and nesting space at different times of the year.
It’s a Fact 60
Pollution has killed millions of people. Increased levels of pollution cause weaker immune systems, making people more vulnerable to various diseases.
8th May
Nature Tip 7
The Dawn Chorus can be heard in your garden from 4.30a.m. Check out for a quick guide to the calls of our most common Irish birds. The photos and information, along with the sound track of the bird song, will make your daily exercise routine more interesting.
Art & Craft Activities for Kids and Adults
Make some Homemade Playdough: All you need is flour, salt, warm water, vegetable oil and food colouring mixed together.
For more GAA Activities for Kids click on this link:
Gníomhachtaí trí Ghaeilge: Féach anseo conas eitleán a dhéanamh as páipéar:
Recipe for Our Times 5
Click here for recipe for Fresh Fruit Muffins
The Story of Plastic
See accompanying details on how to register for the special screening of ‘The Story of Plastic’ and subsequent webinar to discuss relevant issues.
It’s a Fact 59
The amount of wood and paper we throw away each year is enough to heat 50,000,000 homes for 20 years
1st May
Notice from Tipperary County Council
COVID19: Tipperary County Council Current Service Provision
Our Offices are currently closed to members of the public until further notice, with the exception of some very limited public access, strictly by appointment for certain housing/homeless services.
We are currently acting as a agency to match the requirements of older and vulnerable people with the many services available in the community.
To request assistance from the community response team, call 0761 06 5000 or click here to complete the request form. This service is available from 8am – 8pm, 7 days a week.
Phone at 0761 06 5000
Use the Post Box where possible
In the event of an emergency in the following services, out of hours please contact:
Roads – 1890 923 948; Housing (Emergency Electrical and Plumbing issues only) – 1890 923 948; Water and Wastewater – 1850 278 278
Art & Craft Activities for kids and adults
Follow this link on how to make a Box and Lid (no glue involved):
For more GAA Activities for Kids click on this link:
Gníomhachtaí trí Ghaeilge: Féach anseo conas fráma a dhéanamh le haghaidh griangghraf:
Recipe for Our Times 4
Click here for a recipe for Homemade Tomato Sauce
Nature Tip 4
Click here for a list of autumn-winter flowering shrubs
It’s a Fact 58
Paper can be recycled only six times. After that, the fibres are too weak to hold together.
23rd April
No Competition
Covid-19 restrictions have led to the cancellation of the National Tidy Towns Competition for 2020. However, Birdhill Tidy Towns will continue to implement the usual work programmes, within the national guidelines – litter collection, sowing flowers, general maintenance, etc to ensure that Birdhill will be presentable and attractive. Your support would be appreciated. Thanks to those who came out to do some painting during the past week. There is still a few areas that need a face lift, so if you can spare an hour and are happy to work on your own, please come along to practise your brush strokes.
ProBoards Discussion Forum
A new forum has been set up to enable members of the community express opinions and provide information on a wide range of topics – news, events, advertising, pooling resources, information, tips, etc – anything that might be of interest to other people in the Birdhill area. Remember this is a Community Forum. The forum can be accessed at: To participate, one needs to register and give yourself a user name. You can then contribute to any of the existing discussion items or start a new thread for a new topic.
Pallets available
Anyone looking for used pallets which might be useful for drying turf, gardening, fencing, etc? Contact Alan Andrews at The Coffee Roastery if interested.
See for 1,000 possible uses for pallets.
Community Support
* Don’t forget that there are over 30 volunteers in the Birdhill area willing to help anyone in difficulty. Please refer to contacts list previously delivered.
* Nenagh Red Cross have asked us to inform people in the Birdhill area who might be cocooning or in self-isolation, that they provide a delivery and collection service for groceries, fuel, prescriptions, etc. Contact Denise Kennedy (083-3077525), Nenagh Red Cross Facebook page, or email
* Age Action and the Irish Red Cross are working together to assist older people who are experiencing hardship as a result of COVID-19. They have launched a COVID-19 Hardship Fund to respond to the immediate needs of older people in vulnerable situations across Ireland experiencing additional hardship as a result of the COVID-19 health crisis. For an application form Email: or call Age Action at 0818 911109 or contact Denise as above for additional information
* Tipperary County Council contact number for vulnerable citizens during Covid 19: 0761 06 5000 or email with the lines open from 8.00am to 8.00PM seven days a week.
Creative Activities
Check out the following sites for some interesting and educational activities for children and adults:
1. Heritage Activity:
2. GAA Kids Activity Pack:
3. Book of Kells Creative Competition (Art or Writing): – Deadline 30th October 2020. – Primary, Secondary & 18+ categories. –
4. Gníomhachtaí trí Ghaeilge:ór-Teaghlaigh-17-Aibreán-2020.pdf
Coping with Covid
New information updates to previously distributed Covid Communications Pack:
> Learn about Cocooning. See video at:
> 15 minutes of daily activity and fitness: In support of people cocooning at this time, RTE has launched a 15 minute programme to help older people to keep active at home. It will be broadcast daily on RTÉ 1 at 2.20pm. It will help viewers who are at home and some in self-isolation or cocooning and will offer tips, especially to older viewers, on how to keep healthy and happy. Fitness 15 will be hosted Monday to Friday at 2.20 PM with Ray Lally, the Today Show fitness expert, and Dáithí Ó Sé.
> Mental Wellbeing Campaign offers support and resources for people to help deal with the stress, isolation and helps people maintain wellbeing and cope at home during this time. The campaign is running on all National and Local radio channels, as well as across social and digital platforms. The website is and the hashtag is #Together. The radio advert is here:
> Resources for people with dementia, their families and carers: Online resources and a booklet of activities which can be carried out at home:
> RTE are producing a 4 week programme series of Operation Transformation Staying Well Apart going out on Wednesday evenings at 9.30 on RTE 1 as a response to the need to help people cope with staying at home/cocooning at this time. The campaign is linking in with RTE to assist with this strategy and messaging.
Recipe for Our Times 3
Click here for lots of ideas for preparing simple snacks
It’s a Fact 57
Figures published this week, on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, show that the past five years have been the hottest on record globally and that 2019 was Europe’s hottest year.
16th April
Our Information Booth
The Information Booth (telephone kiosk) in Birdhill Village currently serves a threefold purpose:
1. An Information Hub to provide information, leaflets, etc on local attractions.
2. A library run under the slogan “Leave a Book, Take a Book.” Please come along and take a book to help get you through these strange times.
3. A drop-centre for the recycling of Crisp Bags and Chocolate Wrappers. See attached posters on what is accepted. Don’t forget that proceeds support Milford Care Centre.
Please ensure that the Information Booth is kept in a presentable manner.
Spring Clean & Painting
Sincere thanks to all those who came out during the past week to pick litter on our roadsides. Could we ask that you might consider maintaining this effort and perhaps set up a rota with your neighbours for your area or stretch of road to ensure that it continues to be well-presented.
During the next few weeks, we hope to get some painting done, focusing on furniture and timberwork in the Park and flower containers around the village. We cannot have any groups, but it would be appreciated if individuals would consider coming along for an hour at any time. Please contact Denis (087-9355750) to arrange.
Coping with Covid-19 Restrictions
Further to previous details distributed about the Community Support Network set up to help anyone in difficulty during the current crisis, we realise that some people may become overwhelmed by the restrictions and isolation. Consequently we are pleased to advise that there is a psychotherapist available in the Birdhill area who is willing to talk to anyone by telephone, free of charge. Please ring Mary Donaldson (IAHIP) on 087-2969549 for advice.
Useful Contacts
Click here to see list of useful contacts for the Nenagh district.
Recording History
Our piece in last week’s email, about recording current history, has attracted some media attention, especially following Martin Ryan’s coverage in this week’s Nenagh Guardian. Has anyone taken up the idea and started recording aspects of life during the ‘Year of the Virus’? Would you be prepared to talk on local radio about how your efforts are progressing? Contact us if interested.
Recipe for Our Times 2
Click here to see recipe for Oaty Biscuits
Craft Ideas
Follow this link for some useful ideas to keep little ones busy making hand puppets:
Nature Tip 5
Consider creating a bee-friendly herb garden. Herbs are among the most useful plants for attracting bees to our gardens, in addition to their culinary and medicinal value. They grow well alongside other garden species, or in specially designed areas, and some are suitable for containers. Click here to see list of herbs to choose from.
It’s a Fact 56
Sustainability is about stabilising the currently disruptive relationship between earth’s two most complex systems—human culture and the living world.
8th April
Record what is happening!
We are living through history during these strange times. How about recording what’s happening in this ‘The Year of the Virus 2020’ to be read by your future-self, or future generations. Click here for ideas for children or family groups on creating a Time Capsule.
Print out the sheets and record as much information as possible. Make sure to put the finished product somewhere safe where it can be accessed sometime in the future.
Spring Clean: Can you help?
April is the month when we do our annual Spring Clean to remove litter from our roadsides. And there is plenty of litter around right now! As it is not possible to organise a collective event this year, we hope that individuals or family groups might pick some litter on their daily exercise outing. Can you do a litter-pick in your area or stretch of road during the next few weeks? If you need bags, pickers, high-viz or need full bags to be collected afterwards for disposal, please contact Denis (087-9355750)
Recipe for Our Times
With more time on our hands at home now, it might be opportune to experiment with some new, tasty and wholesome recipes. Click here for recipe to make Breakfast Muffins.
Quick & Easy Crafts
Follow this link for lots of ideas on how to keep the children entertained:
Community Support Reminder
Don’t forget that Birdhill Community Support Network has volunteers available to help anyone in difficulty during these times of crisis. Check the list of volunteers distributed last week (updated list on website) and just make that phone call.
Nature Tip 4
Now is the time to sow plants which will flower during the summer. Sow perennials which will continue to flower every year and select plants which will attract bees and butterflies to keep your garden humming for the summer. Click here to see list of Summer-flowering perennials for you to choose from.
It’s a Fact 55
The Spanish Flu of 1918 infected over 500 million people worldwide and more than 50 million died of the disease. It infected over 800,000 in Ireland and claimed 23,000 lives over a 12 month period.
2nd April
Digital Partner Pack
The digital partner pack includes the COVID-19 Information Booklet, which is being delivered to all households this week. Follow this link to access:
The digital partner pack has illustrated stories for children going to test centres for COVID-19 testing. It is hoped that children going for testing may benefit from the illustrated stories.
The digital partner pack also has the updated resources and materials asking people to stay at home.
The digital partner pack contains:
The most up to date posters on COVID-19
Videos and audio files that you can share
Leaflets, social media assets, the information booklet and more
For information on cocooning, please go to:
There is a poster (halfway down) the Department of Health page above regarding cocooning and this will also be available on the Digital partner pack
Grief and Bereavement
See attached some recent publications from the Irish Hospice Foundation on grief and bereavement in these exceptional times.
We do hope that you will not have to consider using this information.
Stay safe everyone.
Funeral in Exceptional Times Helping children grieve during Covid-19 Grieving in Exceptional Times
27th March
Community Support
Birdhill Tidy Towns has initiated a Support Network to help members of the community during the Covid-19 crisis. We are grateful to those who have volunteered and would welcome others who may be in a position to help.
See attached circular for details.
See also the Communications Pack from the NPHET which has a lot of useful advice and information.
20th March
Tree Planting
Reminder: Planting of trees by members of the community takes place at the Community Orchard in Cooleen on Sat 21st at 3pm. ‘Social Distancing’ will be observed. Please wear gloves.
Further to our email earlier this week, we are delighted that a number of people have come forward to volunteer if help is required by any of our community members. Many thanks for your concern.
Click here for list of useful information and supports.
Keep the children busy
We invite children of all ages to participate in an activity which will focus on the butterfly, symbol of transformation and hope, while designing a card for Mother’s Day:
Make a Mother’s Day card; Include a suitable verse; Decorate the card with a colourful butterfly.
Take a photo of the card and email it to We will put some of them up on our website and will present prizes to some of the best ones at a later stage.
Follow this link for some useful ideas:
Nature Tip 3
When planting flowers or shrubs, be sure to include some plants that are good pollinators and will attract bees. See attached list of some spring-flowering perennial plants.
It’s a Fact 54
The average world temperature is now 14.8 degrees C. At the rate we are going, it is likely to increase by another 5 degrees by the end of this century.
16th March
Helping Our Neighbours
During these uncertain times, volunteers from Birdhill Tidy Towns are available to help any members of the community who need groceries, messages or prescriptions collected, need to have the dog walked, need company on a walk (respecting social distancing) or just want a chat on the phone or at the door-step. We also have personnel who could help with online home-study or tuition for children. Child-minding might not be feasible due to issues with direct contact and garda vetting.
Please contact our coordinators Denis (087-9355750) or Gráinne (087-7784138) in the strictest confidence and we will do our best to help.
If there are other volunteers out there who would like to be part of this community initiative, please contact us and we can add you to the list.
All members of the community are asked to be mindful of vulnerable neighbours, or those who are self-isolating, who might be slow to seek help. Be sure to check in on them to enquire about their well-being.
Helping others cope with their difficulties can make our community stronger.
13th March
No Masses
Fr John O’Keeffe P.P. has announced that all Masses in the parish on weekends and week days have been cancelled for the forthcoming weeks, following a directive from Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly. Exceptions will be made for weddings and funerals, but crowds will be limited to 100.
Féile Pádraig
Guímid beannachtaí na Féile ar gach ball den phobal. Bí sona agus bí slán.
All parades for the St Patrick’s Festival have been cancelled. Organisers of the Newport and the Ballina/Killaloe events have indicated that they hope to reschedule later in the year.
Plant a Tree
Members of the community are invited to plant a tree in Birdhill as part of the ‘Trees on the Land’ campaign. Please attend at the Community Orchard in Cooleen on Sat 21st March at 3pm. Other activities planned for the hall afterwards will not take place. Planting will be carried out following the guidelines on ‘social distancing.’
Birdhill Tidy Towns encourages all members of the community to follow HSE guidelines on the Coronavirus in order to protect yourself and others. See attached advice sheet.
See updated news at:
Follow this link for a 5 minute course:
Nature Tip 2
Plant a Tree.
Trees provide timber for building, carpentry and paper-making and also wood-fuel and biomass fuel resources. They provide habitats for many different species of plants, insects, animals, birds and other living things. They are an important food source not just for humans but also for birds, animals and other creatures. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air and give out oxygen and thus play a vital role in regulating the air that we breathe. Trees absorb rainwater and can help to reduce and prevent flooding. Trees and woodlands provide valuable social, aesthetic and cultural benefits.
It’s a Fact 53
“There is an entire generation that has grown up without ever seeing a repair shop. They’ve never been to a cobblers and when something is broken, the only thing they know to do with it is throw it out and buy another one.” (Sean Cronin of the Zero Waste Alliance)
5th March
My Waste My Impact
See the attached flyer on how to measure positive environmental change.
Farming For Nature
Click on the following link to access the current and previous Farming For Nature bimonthly newsletters:
Local Enterprise
Congratulations to Alan Andrews and the staff at the Coffee Roastery in the Old Barracks on gaining first place in the Tipperary Enterprise Awards. The announcement was made on Monday when the Roastery hosted ‘Tipp Today with Fran Curry’ on Tipp FM. They now advance to the National Enterprise Awards in May. Best of luck to all. It was great to also hear some other local enterprises highlighted on Monday’s programme: 1. Boru Press (, based at The Farmyard, Birdhill, with Marion O’Brien as Publishing Director. 2. My Top Tickets (, based at Shannonside Business Park in Birdhill, with John Rice as Director (John also runs Glance Promotions who have bought the old Co-op Creamery site in the village).
Custom Service Training
See attached details of fully funded and certified Level 5 course run by the ETB for people who are working either part time or full time in the Tourism & Hospitality sectors.
Nature Tip 1
Clean out your nest boxes: While some birds, like the wren, do their own cleaning, nest boxes should be cleaned to facilitate the new nesting season. Ideally, nest boxes should have been cleaned out after the last nesting season, so you need to move quickly now before it’s too late. Remove all debris, wash the box with boiling water and allow to dry before putting it back in place.
It’s a Fact 52
House owners use chemicals that are 10 times more toxic per acre, than the amount used by farmers.
28th February
We are currently planning for the forthcoming St Patrick’s Parades in Newport on March 14th and in Ballina/Killaloe on March 17th. Our theme will be “Marking 100 Years of Independence.” Anyone who would like to join us or who would like to submit any ideas on this topic would be welcome.
County Council Plan
Click here to see draft copy of Tipperary County Council’s Corporate Plan 2020 – 2024. Submissions can be made by post or by email on or before 4.00pm on Monday 2nd March 2020. Email
Tipperary Heritage
See attached copy of Tipperary Heritage Office’s newsletter for February.
It’s a Fact 51
70,000 tonnes of plastic bottles are used in Ireland each year. Only 40% of these are recycled.
22nd February
Sustainable Communities Training Programme
Tipperary education and training board in collaboration with Tipperary PPN are delighted to offer an 8 week sustainable communities programme. Would you like to learn how to make your community a better place to live? This programme is designed to look at how we can live better, be a more sustainable citizen and look at best practice. Now more than ever we need to live more mindful lives. This programme is broken into 8 modules these are: Week 1 – Introduction Week 2 – Culture and Heritage Week 3 – Ecological Integrity Week 4 – Ecological Integrity 2 Week 5 – Health and Wellbeing Week 6 – Participation and Engagement Week 7 – Economic resilience Week 8 – Action Plan This programme will run each Thursday for 8 weeks starting on 27th February until 16th April from 6.30 – 9pm in Knockanrawley resource centre, Tipperary town. Click here to see the full program To register for this course please contact PPN office on 0504 61014 or email
Hands for Life CPR Training
Tipperary PPN in partnership with the Irish Heart foundation are running CPR training. This ONE hour course concentrates on How to recognise a cardiac arrest How to perform compressions, including hands-on practice on a CPR training manikin How to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) How to respond to a choking emergency How to recognise a stroke How to perform CPR on a child and the difference between a cardiac arrest and a heart attack are also covered – all in only one hour and for FREE. Come to a free Hands For Life training course in Moycarkey Borris community and sports centre on Saturday 29th February 2020. There are 3 sessions during the day 9:30am to 10:30am, 11:00am to 12:00pm and 12:30pm to 1:30pm Book your place on hands for life training in Moycarkey Borris Community and Sports Centre to book visit
Pollinator Conference
Pollinator Conservation Conference Ireland’s Buzzing: International Conference on Pollinator Conservation will take place in the Strand Hotel Limerick City this May 20th and 21st. This event is being organised by Limerick City and County Council in collaboration with the National Biodiversity Data Centre who manage the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan. For more information or to book your place at the event, please visit
It’s a Fact
1.6 billion people do not have access to electricity.
13th February
Repair & Reuse
We are compiling a ‘Repair Directory’ which would be available as a useful resource to residents of the Birdhill area when they need to have repairs carried out on various items, rather than having to buy anew. If you are involved in any type of repair business or if you can provide a repair service under any of the following categories, and would like to have your name included, please supply Birdhill Tidy Towns with your contact details:
1. Leather & shoes; 2. Clothes and bags; 3. Monitors, TVs & displays; 4. Electronics; 5. Fitness and Sport; 6. Small appliances; 7. Large Appliances; 8. Lawnmower & garden machinery; 9. Musical instruments; 10. Watches & Jewellery; 11. Furniture & Upholstery.
Leave no trace
Leave no trace Ireland provides research, education and outreach so that every person who ventures outside can protect and enjoy the outdoors responsibly. It aims to develop a national ethic that protects both natural and cultural heritage. For ideas on how you can help, check out
It’s a Fact
In 2017, Ireland broke the 1 million tonnes mark for packaging waste generated per annum. It has continued to grow since then.
6th February
Public Transport in Birdhill
We are fortunate to have easy access to bus and rail services in Birdhill, but are we all familiar with the daily timetables?
Bus Éireann serves Birdhill as follows:
To Limerick: 07.25, 09.55, 15.55, 18.55 (Mon – Sat); 08.00 (Mon to Fri); 09.35 (Sat only); 15.55 & 18.55 (Sun only).
To Nenagh-Borrisokane-Birr-Athlone: 11.50, 14.50, 17.50 (Mon to Sat); 14.50 & 17.50 (Sun & Publ Hol).
Trains from Birdhill Railway Station:
To Limerick: 08.12 (Mon to Fri); 11.37 & 20.39 (Mon to Sat);
To Dublin: 07.01 & 17.24 (Mon to Sat); 17.49 (Sun only).
Sale of Work
We are indebted to the many people who contributed to, attended or supported our Sale of Work last Sunday. Special thanks to our dedicated workers who made house calls, procured goods, prepared the hall and manned the stalls to ensure a worthwhile event.
We have a few more items still available for sale, all in good working order: a. Bosch Tassimo Coffee Maker; b. Moulinex Juicer; c. Easy Home Steam Iron. If interested please reply to this email to arrange viewing.
Water Survey
Our ‘Sustainability Sub-Committee’ is seeking volunteer households to participate in a survey to track water usage in the home, implement water saving measures (bathroom & kitchen) and record changes in water use over the next few months. Please reply to this email if you would be willing to take part, or contact Marion O’Brien (086-8212844).
It’s a Fact 48
One toilet flush uses more than 3 gallons of water.
31st January
Sale of Work
Final preparations are now being made for our Sale of Work on Sunday 2nd February. We thank the members of the community who have been so generous in contributing a wide variety of items which will be available for sale at the many stalls. The Wheel of Fortune will be spinning for many valuable hampers and other prizes. There will be an auction for such things as a Dove-Cote, Electric Stove, Air Walker, Mitre Saw, Exercise Bike, Strimmer, Items of Furniture, Household Goods, etc. Lots of bargains to be picked up! Refreshments available in the Tea Room. Doors open on Sunday at 2.00pm.
People can drop off items to the hall on Saturday at 11.00am. Home baking can be dropped off on Sunday at 11.00am.
Thanks for your ongoing support.
Recycling Crisp Bags & Chocolate Wrappers
For the past year a recycling facility for Crisp Bags has been provided in the Information Hub (Phone Booth) in the village. Next week, a second, smaller box for confectionery wrappers will be included. Please see attached flyer for details of wrappers accepted.
Every KG of wrappers received helps raise funds for Milford Care Centre.
Tipperary Heritage
See attached copy of Tipperary Heritage Newsletter for January 2020
It’s a Fact
At the rate we are going, we need 1½ Earths to sustain our lifestyle. By 2030, we will need 2 Earths.
24th January
Any ideas for this?
Community Water Development Fund
The Local Authority Waters Programme are pleased to announce the launch of a Community Water Development Fund 2020. The Fund aims to support communities in progressing water related projects and initiatives, delivering benefits locally whilst also helping to meet the objectives of the River Basin Management Plan for Ireland and the wider EU Water Framework Directive. This fund is open to all community and voluntary groups to assist in the protection and management of water quality, both locally and in the wider catchment. Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday, 7th February 2020.
Types of projects considered for funding will include:
Capital projects such as restoration/habitat conservation/natural flood mitigation measures.
Projects that promote public awareness/education and events such as biodiversity days, surveys, training workshops, surveys and plans, etc.
General amenity such as beach clean, improving amenity areas, bird watching facilities, etc.
Application Form and Guidance Notes in respect of the Community Water Development Fund 2020 are available to download at or by contacting the Local Authority Waters Programme at 0761 06 6230 or
Sale of Work
As the date of our Sale of Work gets closer, we draw your attention to some of the items that will be available to buy on Sunday 2nd February: Solid fuel burning Stove, Strimmer, Guitar, Exercise Equipment, Items of Furniture, etc. Further details next week. There’s sure to be something of interest to you!
It’s a Fact 46
40% of drinking water comes from plastic bottles.
17h January 2020
Creative Ireland is a culture based programme designed to promote individual, community and national wellbeing. The core proposition is that participation in cultural activity drives personal and collective creativity, with significant implications for individual and societal well being and achievement. Creative Ireland is the main implementation vehicle for the priorities identified in Culture 2025/Éire Ildánach which states that arts and culture are intrinsic to the Irish State, and acknowledges the need to increase access to, and participation in, the arts, boost our creative industries and preserve our heritage with a particular focus on language, landscape and the environment. The Creative Ireland programme can be downloaded from
Schemes for Creative Projects: ·
. The Creative Ireland Tipperary Community Grant Scheme 2020 is now open for applications, this scheme funds creative projects drawing on elements of our Arts and Heritage in the county. Guidelines and application forms online at
. The Creative Ireland Open Call is also open for applications. Guidelines and applications available at
. Tipperary Commemorations Programme: Grants scheme for Commemorative events taking place in Tipperary in 2020 will be on our website on Friday 17th January 2020.
. 2020 GLAS traditional farm buildings grant scheme: This scheme is now open, application form and terms and conditions can be downloaded here:
Deadline for receipt of completed applications (hard copy ONLY) is 5pm Tuesday 18th February 2020.
Sale of Work
Committee members are contacting householders in the community ahead of our Sale of Work on Feb 2nd. We have received great support in the past from local residents and we look forward to your ongoing support for this venture. If you can contribute anything (household goods, farm goods, fuel, books, groceries, tools/implements, home baking, vegetables, furniture, toys (unused), CD’s, DVD’s, electrical items, cosmetics, house/garden plants, bric-a-brac, etc.) which can be sold at the Sale of Work/Auction, please contact the liaison person in you area. We look forward to your co-operation.
It’s a Fact 45
On average, people buy three new electronic devices each year. Remember to recycle or sell your old devices instead of throwing them in the waste bin.
9th January 2020
Community Coffee Morning
Join other members of the community for a coffee and chat in the Coffee Roastery at the Old Barracks in Birdhill on Sunday 12th January at 11.00am. A special invitation is extended to new people to the area to avail of this opportunity to interact with new neighbours and engage in the community.
See copy of January Newsletter attached.
Developing Wellbeing Policy
The Tipperary Public Participation Network (PPN) is bringing together social inclusion, environment and community development groups to develop Wellbeing Statements for local communities. These Wellbeing Statements set out our shared vision for the Nenagh Municipal District and will then be used to guide and influence local policy.
When & Where: Tuesday, 21st January 2020 at 6:30 pm in Toomevara GAA, St Michael’s Park, Toomevara, Co. Tipperary
Registration from 6pm
Contact: Avril: Email:
Tel: 087 456 7111 / 0504 61014
It’s a Fact
Almost one billion people don’t have enough to eat.
4th January 2020
Christmas Trees
Birdhill Tidy Towns will this year again facilitate the collection of Christmas Trees for shredding. Please make contact by Monday 6th if you wish to avail of this service.
Forthcoming Events
Community Coffee Morning in The Old Barracks Coffee Roastery on Sunday 12th January at 11.00am. Our thanks to Alan Andrews for hosting this event.
Tidy Towns committee meeting on Monday 13th.
Tidy Towns sub-committees meet during week commencing Monday 20th.
Sale of Work Sunday 2nd February
It’s a Fact
Over 30% of all garbage thrown away could go to better use in composting
27th December
Limerick Ice train 2019
A great opportunity for local people to visit Limerick on Ice at Arthur’s Quay!
Details for Birdhill:
Monday, December 30, or Saturday, January 4th.
Departs Birdhill 11:37am. Returns from Limerick at 4:55pm.
A return ticket costs €6 from any station along the line and entrance to Limerick on Ice is €10. The normal price for skating is €15 for a child and €17 for an adult.
The Limerick On Ice tickets are €10 per person on presentation of a rail ticket purchased on that day.
Skating session times: 1pm – 2pm or 2:30pm – 3:30pm
North Tipperary Rail Partnership wish to thank Irish Rail and Limerick on Ice for coming on board for the 16th year of this community day out.
We also remember the late Duncan Martin for his years of organising this memorable annual event. Duncan passed away earlier this month.
Queries contact Brett: 087 9010360
Sustainable Development Goals
See the attached flyer from the Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment for some useful tips on how you can set Sustainable Development Goals.
Why not start the New Year by setting some goals for yourself?
Happy New Year
Birdhill Tidy Village Committee extends best wishes to everyone for a bright and propperous 2020 (366 new days to take on new chances and make new advances)
It’s a Fact
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
20th December
Christmas Greetings
Season’s greetings to all from Birdhill Tidy Towns. Guímíd beannachtaí na Nollag ar mhuintir Cnocán An Éin Fhinn sa bhaile is i gcéin.
Some final considerations for Christmas:
1. Wrapping paper recycling – have a look at this video clip to see which gift wrapping items you can recycle
2. Reduce food waste – with the average Irish Family throwing out €700 worth of food each year, try to reduce your food waste by planning your portions carefully
3. Have a look at some tasty recipes for Christmas leftovers:
4. Crisp packet recycling – don’t forget to collect and deposit your empty crisp packets in our collection point
(the Information Booth/Telephone Kiosk) – or give them to your children to put into the collection points in
Birdhill N.S.
5. Recycle your Christmas Tree at Nenagh Recycling centre – see opening hours over Christmas (attached).
Birdhill Tidy Towns will also continue to facilitate the collection of Christmas Trees for shredding.
It’s a Fact 41
It is estimated that most landfills contain one third recyclable packaging material, all of which could be recycled.
12th December
Giving at Christmas
Some local families have intimated that, instead of exchanging gifts within the family group this Christmas, they will make a contribution to charity. Milford Care Centre has been suggested as the recipient for this year. Birdhill has a long affinity of fundraising for Milford. If any families would like to be associated with this venture and be part of the overall Birdhill contribution to such a worthy cause, please contact any member of the Tidy Village Committee.
Sale of Work
Birdhill Tidy Village Committee will hold a Sale of Work on Sunday 2nd February as its main fundraiser for 2020. We look forward to the support of the community.
It’s a Fact 40
The EU has set a target of reducing the level of carbon emissions by 50% before 2030 and to reach zero carbon by 2050.
Voice Ireland
Follow this link to read Voice Ireland’s 2019 Newsletter:
It includes this useful recycling advice flyer:
5th December
Santa in Birdhill
Last Sunday’s visit by Santa to Birdhill was a very enjoyable occasion. Thanks to everyone who came along to be part of the Christmas atmosphere. Special thanks to those who prepared the Park for the event, provided refreshments, manned the various attractions or contributed in any way to make it a memorable event for young and not so young. (See a selection of pictures on our website: )
Hamper winners on the evening included Killian Flynn, Clare Croffey, Kay Shinners, Mary Floyd, Siobhan Larkin, James Muldowney and Eoin Coffey.
Find the Elves winners: 1. Aoibheann Cantillon; 2. Ella Finucane.
Colouring Competition Winners: 1. Eimear Keogh; 2. Mia Steenkamp.
TY Survey
More results from the recent survey carried out by TY students among a random selection of 70 houses in Birdhill:
27% would be interested in car-pooling
38% walk or cycle regularly.
24% know the BER of their home.
37% have had energy upgrades carried out in their homes during the past 6 years.
22% have had an energy audit carried out on their homes.
It’s a Fact
We generate an extra 30% of rubbish at Christmas time.
29th November
Santa Visit
Join your local community on Sunday 1st December when Santa will arrive at the Village Green in Birdhill to switch on the Christmas Tree Lights at 5.30pm. Then follow Santa and Mrs Claus to the Community Park for fun, games and refreshments. Wear Christmas jumpers and hats to get into the festive atmosphere. Bring a torch to help the children find the elves. Post letters to Santa in the specially-provided box. Have a camera to hand to record the children’s visit to Santa or dressing in the novelty gear which will be available.There is no charge, but a raffle will be held for some valuable hampers. (See attached flyer)
Birdwatch Survey December 2019 to February 2020
You are invited to participate in the Birdwatch Ireland survey of the birds in your garden over the next few months. This can be carried out on line through the following link:
or by printing off and filling in the attached hard copy.
It’s a Fact
The United Nations estimate that land-based sources account for up to 80% of the world’s marine pollution, almost 90% of the waste being plastic debris.
23rd November
Santa in Birdhill
Santa will arrive in Birdhill on Sunday 1st December at 5.30pm. He will switch on the Christmas Tree lights on the Village Green to the accompaniment of carol-singing from the local folk group. He will then lead the gathering to the Community Park where, with the help of Mrs Claus, he will meet the children and present a small gift to everyone. There will also be the usual refreshments, fun and games. Don’t miss this atmospheric evening in the lead-up to Christmas.
Thanks to all who participated in our sub-committees on Tuesday last. It was great to see some new faces. Some very interesting discussions took place. 3 more groups will convene on Tuesday 26th in Coopers as follows:
Sustainability 7.30pm; Landscaping & Open Spaces 8.30pm; Wildlife 8.30pm.
We would love to see some more new people contributing.
It’s a Fact 37
300,000 tonnes of plastic are produced in Ireland each year. About a third of this is recycled.
15th November
Meetings of our Tidy Towns sub-committees have been arranged as follows:
Tuesday 19th: Community Events 7.30pm; Tidiness & Built Environment 8.30pm; Destination Birdhill 8.30pm; Community Park 8.30pm.
Tuesday 26th: Landscaping 7.30pm; Sustainability 7.30pm; Wildlife 8.30pm.
All meetings in The Coopers. Most sub-committees will require just 2 or 3 meetings. We would welcome anyone with ideas or an interest in any of the above. Can you help generate some discussion?
Tidy Towns News
Tidy Towns Regional Awards ceremony in Terryglass on Monday 25th November.
Communities in Bloom 2019: Malahide was awarded a 5 Bloom Bronze rating and a special mention for Malahide Castle Botanical Garden & Butterfly House.
Entente Florale 2019: Listowel and Mulranny each received Silver Medals
Kyle Collection
Your support for the Kyle Graveyard Restoration collection this weekend would be appreciated.
TY Survey
Some statistics from the recent survey conducted by TY Students among a random sample of 70 houses in the Birdhill area:
65% use wheelie bins to dispose of waste, 55% recycle and 24% compost;
18% harvest rainwater;
37% produce/grow some food;
37% never used public transport during the past year.
More next week.
It’s a Fact
We have been behaving for a century and a half as if carbon dioxide didn’t matter. We have pumped more and more of it into the atmosphere to power our factories, our homes, our cars, food production and every single aspect of our lives. Carbon Dioxide is colourless. It is odourless. It is tasteless. But it can be lethal.
7th November
Swap Shop
Don’t forget the Swap Shop which will run in Birdhill Community Hall on Saturday morning 9th November. Drop in anytime from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Bring along any items you would like to dispose of and swap, barter, haggle or trade with other members of the community. You might find a ‘treasure’ that you were always looking for! Remember no items to be left in the hall – if you don’t trade, then you must take your goods back home.
Upcoming Events
* Switch-on of the Christmas Tree Lights on the Village Green on Sunday 1st December at 5.30pm followed by Santa’s Visit to the Park.
* ‘Neighbourhood Meet & Greet Coffee Morning’ in the Old Barracks Coffee Roastery on Sunday 12th January 2020 at 11.00am.
Sub-committees have been put in place by Birdhill Tidy Towns under the following headings: 1. Community Events; 2. Sustainability; 3. The Community Park & Autism Planning; 4. Wildlife; 5. Landscaping; 6. Tidiness & Residential Areas; 7. Birdhill as a Destination.
We are looking for volunteers to be part of any of these groups, which would meet 2 or 3 times over the next few months to consider ideas and actions to enhance and develop life in Birdhill. Can you commit to contributing to the development of your community? Please reply to this email or contact any member of the committee.
Kyle Collection
A collection will be taken up on 16th & 17th November to help defray costs of the recent refurbishment of Kyle Burial Ground. Your support would be appreciated.
It’s a Fact 35
22,000 disposable coffee and tea cups are used every hour in Ireland.
2nd November
Swap till you drop
Don’t forget our upcoming Swap Shop in Birdhill Community Hall on Sat 9th November from 10.30am to 12.30pm.They say “One person’s trash is another’s treasure” and in many cases this is true. It might be more accurate to say “One person’s unused treasure is another person’s wanted treasure.” We are all reluctant to throw away good quality items which might end up in landfill. Then why not make them available to someone who might have use for them? Come along to the ‘Swap Shop’ and trade in your clothes, household goods, paint, equipment, etc. for something you need.What should I not bring? Things that you wouldn’t want to bring home with you!No items to be left in the hall.No money changes hands.Why not call in to see this new venture!
It’s a Fact
Costing& Pricing Course
Are you underselling your products?
Learn the fundamentals of costing & pricing your product / service
Learn how to calculate break-even sales volume
Learn how to calculate the profitability of products & services
Learn how to do a VAT Return
Learn about VAT thresholds
Advantages & Disadvantages of registering for VAT
Implications of VAT registration on your pricing
Have you a VAT filing system?
Purchase, Cash & Sales Books required Book Your place today:
24th October
Are you a Paint Squirrel?
Funnily enough most of us are! We buy too much paint when we are redecorating & then squirrel away full or half used tins of paint for use in the future, although this rarely happens. Take the opportunity at our Swap Shop event in Birdhill Community Hall on Saturday, 9th November from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 drop in with your unwanted paint and swap for something else, or donate to someone who might use it. (See attached flyer)
Officers and Committee appointed at the recent Birdhill Tidy Towns AGM were:
Hon Presidents: Fr John O’Keeffe, Michael Kelly, Martin O’Brien, Ted Moynihan.
Chairman: Denis Floyd
Vice Chair: Siobhan Larkin
Joint Secretaries: Grainne Delaney & Terry GriffithTreasurer: Paddy Barry
Assistant Treasurer: Donnchadh FloydYouth Officer: Margaret HoganEducation & Integration Officer: Marie GormanCommittee: Margaret Clifford, Nuala Lawlor, Fiona Ryan, Brett Fitzpatrick, Kathleen Bradley, Marion O’Brien, Bernadette Hogan, David Lawlor, Maureen Griffith, Alan Andrews, Jacqueline Hanrahan.
It’s a Fact
Ireland reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by just .2% in2018, by producing 60.5 million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide. This was 5 milliontonnes above target. Our agri and transport sectors are the highest producersof greenhouse gases, while household emissions increased by 7.9% which is amongthe largest increases across all sectors.
18th October
Have your say in Birdhill
All members of the community are invited to the Annual GeneralMeeting of Birdhill Tidy Towns Association in Matt The Threshers on Monday 21stOctober, commencing at 7.30pm and concluding at 9.00pm. The AGM affords peoplethe opportunity to have a voice in the development of their community and tohave an input into environmental and sustainability issues in the locality. Themeeting will review recent activities and consider plans for the future. Yourattendance would be appreciated. Attendance will not be taken as a commitmentto ongoing involvement, but merely to help generate new ideas to take TidyTowns and the community forward.
Tipperary County Council: HAVE YOUR SAY!
Thepreparation work for the Corporate Plan 2020-2024 is underway and TipperaryCounty Council is seeking your help in identifying the challenges andobjectives the Council should prioritise over the coming 5 years.TheCorporate Plan will set out the Council’s vision for the next 5 years in keyareas, such as Economic Development & Tourism, Community Development,Climate Change & Sustainable Development, Housing, Social Inclusion andInfrastructure.Let the LA know what you think they should prioritise and what core values they should holdas they work with you to improve Tipperary’s economic, social and culturalprofile over the next 5 years.Thesurvey should take less than 5 minutes and can be accessed by clicking here – CorporatePlan SurveyTheclosing date for responses is Friday 1st November 2019.
It’s a Fact 33
Ireland is among the top 4 countries per capita in Europe for greenhouse gas emissions.
11th October
TY Survey
Local Transition Year students are conducting a Survey on Sustainability on behalf of Birdhill Tidy Towns, commencing this weekend. Your cooperation is requested if they call to your door. It will only take a few minutes.
Tidy Towns Website
Birdhill Tidy Towns website was upgraded earlier this year to make it more mobile phone friendly for the use of QR Codes. There has been mixed reaction to the new site. Your help would be appreciated in assessing the site and giving feedback on your experience.Please log on to and peruse the site. You can respond by using the CONTACT button on the site or by email to
Annual General Meeting
We are seeking the participation and support of the community for Birdhill Tidy Towns AGM on Monday 21st October. New personnel, new ideas and a perhaps a new direction are needed as we enter the ‘Twenties. The AGM will be run in workshop format in an effort to generate ideas. It will start at 7.30pm and conclude at 9.00pm.
It’s a Fact 32
On Thursday 1st August 2019, the Greenland ice sheet experienced its largest single-day volume loss on record, sending an estimated 12.5 billion tons of ice pouring into the ocean
4th October
Tidy Towns Results
Birdhill was awarded a Silver Medal in the 2019 National Tidy Towns Competition. While it is disappointing to slip back after 13 years with Gold Medal status, we are happy to have increased our mark and continue to maintain high standards. The silver completes our medal collection, adding to the 13 gold and 2 bronze previously received. Our thanks to everyone who has helped in any way in our ongoing efforts to make Birdhill a better place for everyone.
See copy of Adjudicator’s Report attached. Observations and feedback would be welcome.
Looking Ahead
As we look forward to 2020 and future years, we need to re-focus on our activities, re-examine our environmental targets and re-assess our role in the community. This process will commence at our AGM on Monday 21st October. How can you help?
It’s a Fact 31
Ireland is ranked worst in the EU for performance on climate change action.
27th September
Transition Year Students
We are delighted that a number of local TY students will be with us over the next few weeks to carry out some projects as part of their Gaisce Award Programme. They may call on your assistance to conduct surveys or to support various initiatives. Your support would be appreciated.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM of Birdhill Tidy Towns has been fixed for Monday 21st October. Now is the time for consideration of new plans and personnel to take the association forward into the ‘twenties’. How can you help?
Tipperary Enterprise News
The Local Enterprise Office offers free monthly Business Advice Clinics in Nenagh and Clonmel. These clinics give you the opportunity to sit down for an hour-long session with a Business Advisor to discuss and identify any possible supports for your business. Email us today to schedule your appointment
Our hugely popular ‘Start Your Own Business’ programme is back. This practical course will run on Saturdays for 4 weeks and gives an understanding of the requirements & challenges you are likely to encounter when starting a new business. Courses take place in Nenagh and Clonmel, spaces are limited and highly sought after, book now to avoid disappointment email:
National Women’s Enterprise Day 2019 will take place on Thursday, 17th October in Dromoland Castle, Co. Clare, where we expect over 150 female entrepreneurs to join our exciting panel of guest speakers in celebrating NWED! The theme of this year’s National Women’s Enterprise Day is ‘Making It Happen’ and the programme includes a variety of high profile guest speakers, local female entrepreneurs and networking coaches, as well as plenty of opportunities to network with other female entrepreneurs and business owners
The New Frontiers Entrepreneur Development Programme can help you to plan and launch your business. New Frontiers is an intensive training and support programme that provides business master classes, mentoring, desk space, networking, plus €15,000 in financial support (subject to eligibility) to accelerate the business start-up growth. Applications from innovative, technology-based start-ups are particularly encouraged, however innovative projects from all sectors are welcome to apply at
It’s a Fact 30
If the entire world’s Ice melted, our sea levels will rise by 66 meters
19th September
Kyle Burial Ground
Work has been completed on creating a pathway to facilitate access to Kyle Burial Ground. Some tidying up remains to be done and we are seeking help on Saturday morning 21st September at 11.00am to leave the site in a presentable state which will make ongoing maintenance easier. Please bring a fork or shovel.
Kyle is an important historical site dating back to pre-Famine times and it is fitting that people would be able to visit. The upgrading is being supported financially by Tipperary Leader but there will be a shortfall. A local collection will be taken up in the near future to meet outstanding costs. It is hoped that the local community will support this venture.
It’s a Fact 28
Automatic dishwashers use about 6 gallons of hot water per cycle (over 2,000 gallons per year), which is actually less than the water required to do dishes by hand.
12th September
Rural Development Policy
The Department of Rural and Community Development has issued an online public consultation on key challenges and opportunities for rural Ireland.
This online survey provides an opportunity for you to contribute to the next phase of rural development policy for Ireland. Mr Michael Ring TD, Minister for Rural and Community Development, launched the online survey to seek the views of the public on key challenges and opportunities for rural Ireland over the coming five years.
The survey is available here
This survey is part of a consultation process being undertaken by the Department of Rural and Community Development to inform the development of a new, whole-of-Government policy for rural Ireland for the period 2020-2025.
Closing date for submissions is 11th October 2019
The end of September is the close of our Financial Year when accounts will be prepared for the AGM which will be held in mid-October. Any outstanding bills or accounts should be submitted immediately for payment.
Thanks to all who turned out for last Sunday’s events, which had been postponed during our Activity & Recreation Weekend in June. The Creagh Family of Coosane won the Treasure Hunt. Cragg once again easily won the Fastest Neighbourhood contest. The Parent & Child race was won by Paddy & Tom Ryan of Coosane. Prizes were sponsored by Applegreen.
It’s a Fact 27
The combined weight of the 100 trillion ants onEarth is greater than the combined weight of all 7 billion humans.
6th September
Fastest Neighbourhood
Are you helping your area on Sunday evening to be named “Birdhill’s Fastest Neighbourhood 2019”? If you’re not participating, why not come along and cheer your neighbours and be part of an enjoyable community event! First race in the Longhouse GAA Field at 6.30pm.
Parent & Child Race
A novel and interesting contest on Sunday evening will be the Parent & Child Relay. This invites a parent and one of their children to participate in a relay race to cover the length of the field (approx. 130m). Should be competitive!
Treasure Trail
The Walking Treasure Trail will also be held on Sunday 8th September, commencing at 3.00pm. This is for families or any group of people of any age. Assemble in the Church Car Park at 3pm for a walk on the Old Road. Each group will need a phone with camera
Introduction to Committee Skills
North Tipperary Development Company in Collaboration with Tipperary Public Participation Network are delighted to offer a free 6 week course, Starting on Tuesday 17th September 2019 from 7 pm – 9.30 pm in Tipperary ETB Training Services, Archerstown Business Park, Thurles, E41 YH58
This course is designed for Community Education groups or Community or Voluntary Organisations. It will help groups to establish their goals, purpose and focus, and assist compliance with the requirement of a functioning committee. This is 6 week course and will involve group work, participation, role play situations and self-evaluation.
Contact Deborah ETB 067 31845 | 087 1251958
It’s a Fact 26
Humans throw away enough paper and wood each year to heat 50 million houses for 20 years.
30th August
Rescheduled Events
1. We have rescheduled the ‘Fastest Neighbourhood’ competition (postponed during our Activity Weekend in June) to take place in the Longhouse GAA Field at Cragg on Sunday 8th September at 6.30pm. See details attached.
2. The Walking Treasure Trail will be held on Sunday 8th September, commencing at 3.00pm. This is for families or any group of people of any age. Assemble in the Church Car Park at 3pm for a walk on the Old Road. Each group will need a phone with camera.
Parent & Child Race
We will also hold a ‘Parent & Child’ Race in the Longhouse Field after the Fastest Neighbourhood contest. This invites a parent and one of their children to participate in a relay race to cover the length of the hurling field. Start practising now!
It’s a Fact 25
The world uses 160,000 plastic bags every second.
Are you angry about rubbish?
Are you a regular volunteer in a local litter pick? Do you work to keep your beaches, town, forest, street, home or office clean from litter? Want to send the message to the producers of that rubbish that this needs to stop!
Why don’t you participate in the international brand audit, which takes place from the 14-21st of September, and brings together communities around the world to take a stand against companies contributing the most to marine and terrestrial litter.
All you have to do is to track the items and brands that you collect during your normal litter pick-up and send this information on to BreakFreeFromPlastic.
All the info is on the Brand Audit page our website, and all you need to do to take part is:
Download the info pack from Break Free From Plastic to get the recorder card.
Register your action with the worldwide movement
Submit your results through the Trashblitz app
There are also microgrants available to groups taking part to help cover any costs of the brand audit. Details are on the project page above.
That’s all there is to it, there are groups all across, Ireland, Europe and the world taking part and taking producers to task for the rubbish they’re putting into our environment. #BrandAudit
22nd August
Help at Birdhill N.S
Some members of Mulcair Men’s Shed and Birdhill Tidy Towns will be gathering to do some tidying up in the grounds of Birdhill School on Saturday morning 24th August at 11.00am. Anyone who can help for an hour would be welcome. Tools which will be needed: Yard Brush, Shovel, Hoe, Rake, Garden Trowel, Wheelbarrow, Strimmer, etc.
Compostable, Reusable Bags
SuperValu (sponsors of the National Tidy Towns Competition) have announced that they will be introducing 100% Compostable, Reusable Shopping Bags to all their stores from September 9th, thus removing 2.5 million plastic bags from circulation.
It’s a Fact 24
If the entire world’s Ice melted, our sea levels will rise by 66 meters
16th August
Up Tipp
Best of luck to the Premier County at Croke Park on Sunday. Let’s all get behind the Blue & Gold. Thanks to Willie O’Shea of Vision Signs for installing the Hurlers on the Green in Birdhill Village.
There is now a good selection of apples (eating and cooking) in the Community Orchard in Cooleen. Members of the community are welcome to help themselves before the birds and wasps take over.
A Taste of Lough Derg
“A Taste of Lough Derg” is now in its sixth year. For 2019, the Lough Derg Marketing Group have curated a food series that takes place throughout the month of September. A Taste of Lough Derg will link with the new Failte Ireland initiative ‘Taste the Island’, which aims to attract domestic and international visitors to events in autumn, thus creating opportunities for Irish businesses to attract higher numbers of visitors outside of the already busy summer months.
A Taste of Lough Derg will be launched on the 22nd August from 3.30pm at The Lakeside Hotel, Ballina/ Killaloe and will include a presentation from food critic Tom Doorley.
Anyone wishing to attend, please RSVP
It’s a Fact
A cotton shopping bag must be used at least 131 times to have less impact on the environment than single-use bags.
8th August
Want to be on RTE?
See attached flyer.
Bat Workshop
We had a very interesting walk and talk with Albert Nolan on Wednesday evening. Passers-by must have been wondering what people were doing out in the dark with receivers pointed upwards. Those receivers were bat detectors and were able to tell us that the Railway Station is the best place to find bats around the village, although a few were detected in the Community Park and in Slí na Coille.
Some batty facts:
* There are 10 species of bat found in Ireland.
* Species found in Birdhill include Common Pipistrelle, Soprano Pipistrelle, Leisler’s Bat and Daubenton’s Bat.
* Bats are protected by law in Ireland under the Wildlife Act 1976. It is an offence to disturb, injure or kill bats or disturb their roosts.
* The bat is a mammal which can fly.
* Bats pose no threat to you or to your home.
* Bats hibernate for the winter.
* Bats do not drink blood. There are no vampire bats in Ireland.
* Bats hunt insects at night and each bat catches about 3,000 insects. A bat consumes up to 110% of its own body weight in food very night.
* Bats are not blind. They use ‘echo-location’ to navigate in the dark.
* A group of bats is called a colony and young bat is called a pup.
It’s a Fact No. 22
Our planet gains up to 77 million inhabitants a year.
1st August
Birdhill Blueberries
The season for blueberries has started, and Birdhill Blueberries, freshly picked, are available now for sale. Contact Joan on 087 9271419. Support local producers and keep your carbon footprint small.
Bat Workshop
Albert Nolan’s workshop on bats in Birdhill will take place on Wednesday 7th August. Assemble in the Community Park at 8.00pm.
- Malahide (Dublin) represented Ireland this year in the Communities in Bloom competition.
- Listowel (Kerry) and Mulranny (Mayo) were adjudicated last week for the Entente Florale competition.
- The Awards Ceremony for Ireland’s Best Kept Towns took place recently. This year Ballymacarbry, Co. Waterford and Silvermines, Co. Tipperary were finalists in the village category, Ballymore Eustace, Co. Kildare and Bantry, Co. Cork were representing the small town category with large town category entries from Ardee, Co. Louth and Arklow, Co. Wicklow. The finalists for the large urban centre category were Wexford, Co. Wexford and Galway City Centre. Bantry were crowned as Ireland’s Best Kept Small Town while Arklow were named as Ireland’s Best Kept Large Town. Other winners included Donaghmore in County Tyrone in the Village category and Bangor in County Down in the Large Urban Centre category
- Results of the 2019 Tidy Towns Competition will be announced on 30th September, which is later than the usual date.
Crisp Wrapper Recycling
We wish to remind you again of the facility in the Information Booth (Telephone Kiosk) in the Village to recycle crisp bags. However, we also want to advise that the multi pack packaging is not covered under the scheme, only single packets. It should also be noted that for every 2kg of packets recycled, €2 goes to Milford Hospice. So all the recycling is in aid of a good cause. Please be aware that the Blood Transfusion Service also collect crisp packets at their blood donation evenings.
It’s a Fact 21
Burning one gallon of petrol creates 22 pounds of carbon dioxide (Hard to believe, but true!)
25th July
Workshop on Bats
Albert Nolan will conduct a workshop in Birdhill on Wednesday 7th August. He will survey locations where bats might be found, suggest ideas on enhancing their habitats, provide information on different types of bats and demonstrate the use of bat detectors.
More details next week.
It’s a Fact 20
Recycling one tonne of cardboard can save sixteen trees from being cut down
Climate Change Strategy
Tipperary County Council has prepared a draft Local Authority Climate Adaptation Strategy.
Climate change is recognised as a global challenge with policy responses required in terms of both mitigating the causes of climate change and in adapting to the inevitable consequences of our changing climate. The Climate Adaptation Strategy represents a proactive step by Tipperary County Council in the process of adaptation planning to build resilience and respond effectively to the threats posed by climate change.
Purpose of the Strategy
* Ensure a full understanding of the key risks and vulnerabilities of climate change
* Bring forward the implementation of climate resilient actions in a planned and proactive manner
* Ensure that climate adaptation considerations are mainstreamed into all plans and policies and integrated into all operations and functions of Tipperary County Council.
A copy of the draft is available on this link: Draft Climate Adaptation Strategy
Also available at Tipperary County Council Civic Offices (Carrick on Suir, Clonmel, Nenagh, Thurles and Tipperary Town)
or at Tipperary Libraries (Borrisokane, Cahir, Carrick on Suir, Cashel, Clonmel, Cloughjordan, Killenaule, Nenagh, Roscrea, Templemore, Thurles and Tipperary Town)
Members of the public are invited to make submissions.
Closing date for submissions on the Draft Climate Adaptation Strategy is Friday 9th August 2019
19th July
All those attending our dance on Friday last enjoyed a great night of music and dancing with Dermot Lyons and Cliona Hagan. Our thanks to all who supported. A special thanks to Coopers and Richard Ryan (Newport) for facilitating the bar arrangements. We are also grateful to our many stewards who ensured everything went off smoothly.
It’s a Fact 19
An estimated 250 million trees can be saved each year if every published newspaper is recycled.
Tipperary PPN News
1. PPNs across Ireland have been hearing about the growing financial burden that rising insurance is having on the work of community groups and activities across the country. In order to respond on your behalf, we need to know the facts and have evidence about how this is affecting your work. The PPN network will present this information at national platforms on your behalf.
This survey is anonymous though excerpts from what you tell us will be shared to help inform a national response around insurance issues. The survey takes around 4 minutes to complete.
PPN Community Insurance Survey
Closing date for completion of survey is 19th July 2019
2. Age Action runs FREE beginners’ computers classes for older people who have little or no computer experience or for the absolutely computer terrified!
Course participants and Volunteer Tutors are currently being sought.
Free tutor training provided for volunteers
You will learn how to:
Search the Internet
Send & receive emails
Shop online and book flights
Classes run for 2 hours one day a week over 5 weeks.
Classes will be running in both Clonmel and Roscrea Libraries.
For more information on how to volunteer please see contact or 01 4756989
11th July
We are indebted to the following sponsors who supported our recent Activity Weekend: Larkin’s Gala, Odeon Cinema Castletroy, Clement Ryan & Jerry Fitzgerald, Supervalu Killaloe, Applegreen, Matt The Threshers, Coopers.
Dance with the Stars
Tickets for Friday night’s dance in Newport Community Hall with Cliona Hagan and Dermot Lyons can be purchased at the door, while stocks last. Doors open at 8.30pm.
Talk on Bats
See attached details of a talk on bats hosted by Castleconnell Tidy Towns on 17th July.
It’s a Fact 18
Are farmers responsible for more widespread use of chemicals than other sectors of the community? No by a long way! Chemicals used at home amount to 10 times more per acre than in farming.
6th July
Fundraising Dance
Our country & western night in Newport on Friday 12th July is a new venture for us. We look forward to your support for what should be a wonderful night of music and dance. Be sure to get your ticket from any member of the Committee, from Newport Community Centre or from Larkin’s Gala. Book early as numbers are limited. (Full details on attached flyer).
New Website
Birdhill Tidy Towns website has been upgraded to make it more mobile phone-friendly, especially for the use of QR codes. Let us know what you think.
It’s a Fact
Greenhouse gases include methane, carbon dioxide and water vapour, which trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. Without them, the Earth would be too cold to support life. The effects of excessive greenhouse gases is global warming. Due to global warming, average sea levels are expected to rise from 1 to 6 feet before the century ends.
28th June
Climate Action
See details below of forthcoming forum in Thurles
Activity Weekend
Many thanks to all who participated in or supported our Activity Weekend. A special word of appreciation to those who helped organise and run the various events.
· The launch of Terry’s Eco Trail was well attended and many well-deserved tributes were paid to our dear departed colleague, Terry Lynch. We encourage everyone to try out the interactive online trail. It can only be accessed using a mobile phone. There are currently 6 stations on the trail but further information will continue to be added. We would like to hear feedback on how people get on using the QR codes.
· The Pilates, Zumba, Yoga, Art, Dancing and Nutrition sessions were well received and many participants have expressed a wish to continue with similar classes.
· The Teddy Bear’s Picnic went down a treat with the small children and the magician did an excellent job in entertaining parents and kids.
· Children participated enthusiastically in the games and activities provided.
· The Dog Show attracted a wide variety of canines. The overall winner was Hannah Ryan’s dog.
· The Bally Boys maintained their stranglehold on the Tug-o-war trophy. Their team of Martin Hough, Gearóid Fitzgerald, Jacko Coffey, Damien Ryan, Noel Stokes, Odhran Floyd, Cian Flanagan and Páraic Hogan came out on top after 3 well-contested pulls.
· Raffle prizes were won by Michael Seymour (3), Joan Byrnes, Donal Moloney and Noel Duggan.
· The Midsummer Bonfire and accompanying pageant recalled some ancient traditions associated with the summer solstice.
· The ‘cinema’ experience was a novel venture – The Greatest Showman appealing to young and not so young.
· The continuous rain put paid to the Treasure Hunt and the Fastest Neighbourhood contest. These will be held at a later stage.
Dancing to Cliona Hagan
Tickets are beginning to move quickly now for our dance in Newport Community Hall on Friday 12th July. Book your ticket and don’t be disappointed as numbers are limited.
We are seeking volunteers to act as stewards and barpersons on the night. Contact Denis (087-9355750) if available.
Park Run
The weekly walk or run in the Pollaghs continues every Saturday at 10.00am.
It’s a Fact
More than 700 million people around the world do not have access to clean water because of pollution and sanitation problems.
19th June
Terry’s Eco Trail
All members of the community are invited to the official opening of ‘Terry’s Eco Trail’ on Friday 21st June at 7pm. The online trail can only be accessed by using the QR Codes on display throughout the Pollaghs. An eco trail focuses on the environment, its habitats and surroundings, and the interaction between humans and the earth which they inhabit. The new trail commemorates the late Terry Lynch who had driven this concept and had carried out much of the groundwork in researching and compiling information.
Those attending are asked to park in the village or at the railway station and assemble at the entrance to the Pollaghs at 7pm. Anyone wishing to contribute a ‘memory’ or story about Terry, to the gathering, is welcome to do so.
Dog Show
See attached details about our Dog Show on Saturday evening. Be sure to register in time!
Try it out
Which of the free classes or workshops will you try over the weekend? This is a great opportunity to find out which one suits you. The outdoor element is a novel venture. Let’s hope the weather obliges! (Full programme for the weekend attached)
It’s a Fact
Plastic bags and other plastic materials in the ocean kill as many as 1 million sea creatures annually
14th June
Birdhill Play & Recreation Weekend
See details attached of a full and busy programme of activities for what promises to be a hectic weekend from June 21st to 23rd.
Activities for all ages.
Join the ‘Park Run’ for a leisurely walk or a more serious exercise run.
Why not try some of the classes to see if Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, Line Dancing, etc. is something you might take up in the future.
Enjoy the cinema experience of the big screen: bring some cushions to sit around while eating popcorn and singing along to the songs of “The Greatest Showman”. Be part of the production by dressing up in suitable costumes – you might win a prize!
Get your dog in on the activities on Sat evening (Be sure to register beforehand)
Cheer your team in the Tug-o-war competition. Will the Bally Boys maintain their winning dominance?
Help your neighbourhood to win the ‘Fastest Neighbourhood’ competition! (details attached)
It’s a Fact 14
Each of us takes in almost 2,000 particles of plastic every week through inhalation, drinking water and beer, or consuming fish and salt. (WWF statistics)
7th June
Open Meeting
An Open Meeting will be held in The Coopers on Monday10th June, commencing at 8.30pm to consider arrangements for our Play & Recreation Weekend (June 21st – 23rd) and our Country & Western Dance Night (July 12th). These are 2 major events which will require a lot of help to run successfully, so we are appealing for volunteers to help out. Can you spare an hour on Monday night to help formulate plans and put support structures in place for both events? Your support would be appreciated.
Formation of the Tipperary older peoples council
Tipperary County Council Age Friendly Programme will host a series of open meetings to talk about the formation of Tipperary’s Older Peoples Council. The Older Peoples Council is a key group in the Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme. The Older Peoples Council should be truly representative of the geography of County Tipperary and all of its diverse groups. Tipperary Older Peoples Council will be part of the Tipperary Age Friendly Strategy which is coordinated by Tipperary County Council and it will be aligned with the Tipperary Age, Health and Wellbeing Alliance. The Older Peoples Council will maintain an active channel of communication with the Age Friendly initiative and will monitor the implementation of the current strategy and will be integral in developing the next Tipperary Age Friendly Strategy.
Meetings will be held throughout Tipperary to discuss the formation of Tipperary Older Peoples Council. The meeting dates are scheduled as follows:
Thursday 6th of June – Clonmel Park Hotel from 10am-12 noon
Tuesday 11th of June – Abbey Court Hotel Nenagh from 10am-12 noon
Wednesday 12th of June – Carraig Hotel, Carrick on Suir from 10am-12 noon
Tuesday 25th of June – Anner Hotel, Thurles from 10am-12 noon
Wednesday 26th of June – Knockanrawley Resource Centre from 10am-12 noon
For more information in relation to the formation of Tipperary Older Peoples Council please contact or contact Fiona Crotty on 0761 06 6223
It’s a Fact 13
Landfills are composed of 35% packaging materials
31st May
Flowers for sale
We have a small amount of summer bedding flowers for sale:
Nasturtiums, Verbena, Ageratum, Marigold, Blue Lobelia, White Alyssum, Ivy, Petunias, Geraniums, Bacopa – all at 50c each.
Red or Yellow tuberous Begonias at €1 each.
Contact Denis (087-9355750) if interested.
Dance to Cliona Hagan
Tickets are now available for our Country & Western Dance Night in Newport Community Hall on Friday 12th July. Contact any member of the committee to avoid disappointment, as numbers will be limited
Crisp Bag Recycling Initiative
Tidy Towns are launching a Crisp Bag Recycling Initiative in Birdhill.
We want to provide people in the community with an alternative way to dispose of the bags instead of placing them in the black bin. The bags have a value and can be reused. When you consider the average Irish adult eats 104 bags a year and the average child eats 156 bags a year, we can all make a difference!
The crisp bags, once returned, are sorted and separated depending on their material composition. The separated items are then cleaned, shredded and turned into small plastic pellets. The pellets are used to make everyday items such as outdoor furniture, trays, roofing and flooring.
So the process is simple. We have placed a recycling box for the crisp bags in the Information Kiosk in the village (i.e. old phone box). All we would ask you to do before placing the bags in the box is to ensure the crisp bags are completely empty and dry. All brands of crisp bags are acceptable. However we cannot accept popcorn bags, crisp tubes, pretzel bags or meat snack bags.
Let’s all make a difference and divert waste from landfill, one crisp bag at a time.
Food Workshop
Failte Ireland’s ‘Taste the Island’ programme: Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands FI team have located a workshop in Ballina Killaloe and strongly encourage everyone working in tourism, food and drink in the area to get involved and hear about the new food programme taking place in September. It is the only workshop being held in Tipperary.
Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands: Lough Derg – Tipperary, Clare, Galway.
Taste the Island Workshop
The Lakeside Hotel, Ballina, 13 June 2019
Registration: 09:30. Workshop commences: 10:00. Light lunch: 13:00Close: 14:00.
Contact Ruth Mulhern Tourism Marketing Officer for more information, T: 0761 066574 E:
It’s a Fact 12
Every day, up to 100 species of plants and animals become extinct as their habitat is impacted by human activities.
23rd May
Help with Planting
Monday 27th is our annual Planting Evening, when we need lots of help to sow summer bedding flowers. We would appreciate any help that you can give. Assemble at the Fountain at 7pm.
See our May Newsletter attached.
It’s A Fact 11
Only 1% of our planet’s water supply can be used. 97% is ocean water and 2% is frozen solid.
17th May
Monday Work
The May work schedule continues on Monday 20th when it is planned to do some painting around the village. Let’s continue the volunteering theme commenced last week. Assemble in the Park at 7pm. Bring a paint brush if possible.
Summer Event
A meeting will be held in Coopers on Monday 20th at 8.45pm to discuss the 2019 summer event. It is proposed to run this in conjunction with the National Play & Recreation Week from 17th to 23rd June. Anyone interested in being involved or with any ideas on a possible programme of events is welcome to come along on Monday night.
Departed Friends
The attached image gives details of the many families and children who planted a tree in Birdhill Community Park in 2004. It is staggering to note the large number who have since departed from this life. We are grateful for their contribution to our community. Suaimhneas síoraí dá n-anamacha.
It’s a Fact
More than one million tonnes of food waste is disposed of each year in Ireland. About a third of this comes from households
10th May
National Volunteering Week 2019 will take place from 13th – 19th May. It is a whole week dedicated to highlighting volunteering across Ireland and is run in partnership with the network of Volunteer Centres and Volunteering Information Services. Did you know that there is no official definition of volunteering in Ireland? This year for National Volunteering Week the aim is to get people talking about volunteering! What it means to be a volunteer, what volunteering looks like for different people, why people volunteer and even why people don’t volunteer.
Maybe you might like to volunteer with Birdhill Tidy Towns! We start with our weekly schedule on Monday 13th. Come along and help for an hour, meet your neighbours and finish with a cuppa and chat.
Work Night
Monday 13th, commencing at 7.00pm. Meet at the Village Green. Tasks: Edging, Cleaning, Sweeping, Washing, etc. Tools required: Spade, Brush, Bucket, Cloth.
Pots for planting
We have a few hundred 2-litre pots to dispose of. If anyone would like some or all of them for planting, you are welcome to take them away. Contact Denis (087-9355750)
It’s a fact 10
Around 20% of bread and bakery goods are binned in Ireland. Potatoes are the most wasted vegetable, while bananas and apples are the most wasted fruit.
3rd May
Summer Work
See the attached document with details of Work Schedule for May and Tasks to be completed during the summer. While Monday evenings are the scheduled work days, if another time suits anyone, we can make arrangements accordingly.
We hope you can join us to help with some of the jobs listed.
Please contact Denis (087-9355750) if you can commit to any of the ongoing summer tasks.
Things to do
Please study the attached list of ‘Things to do in Birdhill’ which we hope to make available to visitors. Can you think of anything else that might be included?
It’s a Fact 9
50% of our salads and 25% of our fruit and vegetables are binned daily.
26th April
Summer Work
With adjudication season approaching, Birdhill Tidy Towns will soon be planning a work schedule for the summer months. We would love to hear from anyone who would take on a weekly task such as weeding, tending to flowers, sweeping, watering, etc. or a once off job like painting, planting, etc.
Dance with the Stars
Date for your diary: Birdhill Tidy Towns will host a night of dancing to country & western star Cliona Hagan in Newport Community Hall on Friday 12th July. A night not to be missed!
It’s a Fact 8
Each consumer in Ireland dumps about 80Kg of food waste a year.
17th April
1. Many thanks to all who came out to help with our Spring Clean in the various areas during this week. We have one more date, Saturday 20th when assembly will be at the Roundabout to tackle the Nenagh Road and the Link Road to the M7 . We appeal to all residents to continue monitoring their own areas for litter, thus ensuring that everywhere looks clean and tidy.
2. Thanks to the many young people (and some parents) who turned out on Wednesday 17th to help with painting, sweeping, tidying, etc. It is much appreciated.
Easter Activities in Birdhill Community Park:
Good Friday: Stations of the Cross at 7pm
Easter Sunday: 6.00am Dawn Mass; 11.00am – 12.30pm Fun with the Easter Bunny (details on attached flyer)
Bus Service Update
The following information has been relayed to us in relation to Bus Services in Birdhill:
Kavanaghs have ceased their service through the village. They will not be coming off the motorway for a stop at Birdhill Applegreen Station.
It is unlikely that Tipperary Rural Link will be putting a service into Birdhill.
Bus Éireann will be upgrading their service to provide 6 to 7 buses per day each way through Birdhill.
(See full report of the National Transport Authority Review attached).
It’s a Fact 7
Aluminium can be recycled continuously, as in forever. Recycling one aluminium can saves enough energy to run our TV for at least 3 hours.
10th April
Bus Service
Further to last week’s mail, we have been informed that the National Transport Authority has accepted Kavanagh’s application to withdraw their bus service from Birdhill. They also state that an examination of the affected locations has been completed and they have determined that there is in fact a requirement to continue to provide services to meet the social need. To that end, the NTA is engaging with Bus Eireann and Local Link Tipperary with a view to providing solutions for bus customers at local level, both in the short term and the long term. Meetings this week should provide answers.
Easter in Birdhill
Good Friday: Stations of the Cross in Birdhill Community Park at 7pm
Easter Sunday: Dawn Mass in the Community Park at 6.00am. Fun in the Park with the Easter Bunny, Treasure Hunt, Competitions, Refreshments, etc. from 11.00am to 12.30pm
Calling all Young People
Local children and teenagers will have the opportunity to help in enhancing Birdhill on Wednesday 17th April, commencing at 2.00pm. Tasks include painting, preparing containers for planting, sweeping, tidying, etc. We seek the co-operation of parents in facilitating the involvement of our youth.
Spring Clean
Don’t forget that next week is Spring Clean Week in Birdhill. Dates, meeting points and contact details attached.
It’s a Fact 6
27,000 trees are cut down each year so that we can have toilet paper
4th April
Pollaghs Road
Help would be appreciated on Sat morning 6th April, commencing at 10am to carry out some remedial work on the Pollaghs Road. Bring a shovel or a rake if possible.
Spring Clean
See attached details of our Spring Clean Week from 15th – 20th April. Can you spare an hour to help clean your area?
Calling local Young People
Local children and teenagers will have the opportunity to help in enhancing Birdhill on Wednesday 17th April, commencing at 2.00pm. Tasks include painting, preparing containers for planting, sweeping, tidying, etc. We seek the co-operation of parents in facilitating the involvement of our youth.
It’s A Fact 5
Tetrapak Cartons are made from the following materials: 75-80% paperboard, 15-20% polyethylene and 5% aluminium. 100% of these materials can be recycled or recovered.
29th March
Pollaghs Road
Resurfacing work will be carried out on the Pollaghs Road on Saturday 6th April, commencing at 10.00am. Help would be appreciated from anyone who can give a hand. The Pollaghs is a widely-used amenity by locals and visitors and it is important that the comfort of walkers is ensured.
Bus Service
We are disappointed that Kavanaghs have discontinued their wonderful bus service through Birdhill. Another nail in the coffin of rural Ireland!
Involving Youth
Last year the young people of the community came out in large numbers to help prepare for the visit of the President. We will be providing the opportunity again this year over the Easter Holidays for them to do some painting and tidying. Dates and times later
It’s a Fact
Glass is 100% recyclable. A glass bottle can be recycled time and time again into another glass bottle or product, without any loss of quality. It also causes 20% less air pollution and 50% less water pollution than when a new bottle is made from raw materials.
21st March
Helping Pollinators
Albert Nolan will deliver his third and final workshop of this month in Birdhill on Sunday 24th when the topic will be “Helping Pollinators In Our Community.” Assemble at the rear of Matt The Threshers at 11.00am. Be prepared for a 2 to 3 mile walk around Birdhill and the Pollaghs. Albert will demonstrate and give practical advice on how we can promote pollination in the locality. Finish with a cup of tea or coffee in the Coffee Roastery at the Old Barracks.
Spring Clean
15th -20th April will be Spring Clean Week in Birdhill when all members of the community will have the opportunity to assist in tidying all the roadsides in the area. Full details later.
Coffee Morning
Support would be welcome for the Daffodil Day, Coffee Morning and Cake Sale in Birdhill Community Hall on Friday 22nd March from 10.30am to 1.30pm.
It’s a Fact 3
The energy saved from recycling one glass bottle can run a 100 watt light bulb for four hours
15th March
Birdhill Tidy Towns took the overall award at last Saturday’s parade in Newport. Thanks to everyone who helped. Our float was entitled “Save Our Planet” and received very favourable reaction from everyone. We will participate in the Ballina/Killaloe Parade on St Patrick’s Day. Why not join us for a bit of fun and help deliver an important message. Assemble at Ballina GAA Club at 1.45pm
Community Smoke Alarm Scheme
In 2015 Tipperary Fire & Rescue Service commissioned a survey of households to examine the level of smoke alarm coverage within households. One of the worrying findings was that a higher proportion of people rely on one alarm in Tipperary relative to the national level (36% vs. 26%). As a minimum requirement it is essential that smoke alarms are fitted in the hall and landing of every home.
Studies have shown that those most at risk are:
Elderly/ Vulnerable
Those living alone
Those living in rural areas
Tipperary Fire & Rescue Service aim to increase the number of smoke alarms in homes across Tipperary to a minimum of 2 working smoke alarms in every home.
Birdhill Tidy Towns will co-ordinate the implementation of this scheme in our area if there is sufficient demand. Please contact any member of the committee or reply to this email if interested.
Farming For Nature
Follow the attached link to the ‘Farming For Nature Newsletter’ which has some useful tips for nature-friendly farming:
It’s A Fact
Recycling one tonne of cardboard can save sixteen trees from being cut down
7th March
Respecting our Community Park
A few unwelcome incidents have occurred in Birdhill Community Park recently. We appeal to everyone who visits the Park to respect the amenities therein, to leave everything in its place and not to damage any of the plants, features or playthings. In particular, we seek the co-operation of parents in implementing this message.
Newport Parade
We invite young and not so young to join us for the St Patrick’s Parade in Newport on Saturday 9th. ‘Save the Planet’ is the theme of our float. Assembly is at the Day Care Centre at 11.15am. Why not come along and help us promote an important message.
Talk on Invasive Species
Invasive non-native plant and animal species are a great threat to biodiversity. They can negatively impact on native species, can transform habitats and threaten whole ecosystems causing serious problems to the environment and the economy. Albert Nolan will give a talk on identifying and dealing with invasive species at Matt The Threshers on Tuesday 12th March, commencing at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
It’s a Fact
Over 100 million drink cans are sold in Ireland every year. You can make 20 cans out of recycled material with the same amount of energy it takes to make a new one.
1st March
Albert Nolan
Albert Nolan will conduct the first of 3 workshops on environmental topics on Tuesday 5th March at 7.30pm when the venue will be Birdhill Community Hall. The topic for his first workshop is “Reducing Food Waste and Single-use Plastic.” These workshops are promoted by Tipperary County Council, in conjunction with Birdhill Tidy Towns, and we hope that many local people will avail of the opportunity to acquaint themselves on up-to-date thinking on important global issues.
St. Patrick’s Parades
Members of Birdhill Tidy Towns committee are currently putting ideas together for the parade float which will focus on the theme “Save Our Planet.” We would welcome any ideas that would enhance the entry. We also invite members of the community (young and not so young) to join our group and be part of the float & entourage. Newport Parade is on Sat 9th March at 12noon. Let us know if you are available.
Birdhill Zero Waste Tip 52
Green Cleaning: Many hand-washes contain microbeads which get into our water supply & eventually our marine life. If you need to get rid of strong smells from your hands, rub them instead with lemon peels.